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Who knows what true loneliness is - not the conventional word but the naked terror? To the lonely themselves it wears a mask. The most miserable outcast hugs some memory or some illusion.

I've always found a certain tie to myself to the woods. In all actuality, I am not completely sure why.

Perhaps it's the fact I was hand ripped from my mother's womb in this very forest. The forest in which i was left to die, to which I have shed the most unforgivable tears. Maybe it's because my father left me here after he got my mother killed, my mother, dead right in front of me as a new born baby.

Maybe it's because I liked the color green.

Maybe I was emotionally tied to this forest for not legitimate reason and to which I am intrigued by.

But I knew that when I was in the woods, surrounded by the moss filled tress, the birds singing their gentle song, I knew that I was the powerful one. I have lived through so my much shit in the forest and I knew it can only go uphill from where I stood.

"Ms. Blair come inside!" My maid yelled out to me. "It's too getting dark for you to be out there by yourself." Her soft olive skin shined forgivingly and even from here her bright hazel eyes burned with weary for me. Time didn't seem to be so late but, the way the moon kissed my russet skin told me she was correct.

"I'm very fine Nicole, tell mother I'll be in shortly. " I assured her. Nicole was a kind woman who was my mothers personal assistant, at times she would stay over and indulge in maid like duty, hence why I at times refer to her as the maid. I walked a little deeper into the forest feeling intrigued for an off reason. As if there was a slight pull.

I walked forward and sat on the moist grass. I plucked at the strands and became enthralled in the harmony of the ways of nature. To be whole and happy...content. Sure of your purpose and meaning, theories I have not yet felt or accomplished

I sometimes wish I can be a part nature. Put a flower on my held and pretend I am roots. That I am sturdy and strong.

But then I get a nerve waking smack from reality.

I felt the hot air on my shoulders from from my father blow against my tenser neck. He whimpered.

"I'm fine dad, I'll go in now." He was such a soft and caring being. His long shaggy brown fur tickled me as he used his nose to get me upright.

He nuzzled his large noise onto me once more.

"Stop being a wimp." I joked punching him on his ribs. His tail waved excitedly.

"Wanna give me a ride home?" I asked him hoping he said yes. Riding on the back of a werewolf was more fun than you could imagine. To feel the wind touch you face like a gentle kiss. To feel the soft fur caress your hands. It was eye opening.

My father bent down so I could climb on and we raced to our kind cabin. The same of freshly cut oaf wood and lavender filled my senses.

He let me off and I watched as he transformed from a wolf to a big excessively strong grown man. It looked gruesome, yet beautiful in an endearing way, kind of like watching an animal birth.

He walked inside and I followed. I started to wonder why exactly my father was out so late.

"Father? What were you doing? Do I not recall correct that it was not I, but you who told me just this morning that the woods were not safe?"

"Some rouges were trying to get into the borders, they captured women and children to use as leverage towards being allowed to stay, the pure audacity of those mewling quims is astonishing, so me and a couple of other guards took care of it."

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