Chapter 8: The First Rule Of Fight Club

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I wanted to tell Ethan about my new found abilities, I mean who wouldn't? But something in me just told me not to do so.

We laid on the blanket he brought with him and his arms wrapped around me in protection from the cool air and I was warmed by his presence.

"So how long?" He asked me drawing little circles on my arm.

"How long what?" I said looking up through my wild curls to see his boyish face.

"Have you loved me?" He asked moving his hand to my face softly.

"Since the moment I met you-"

"While you were stuffing paper in your bra when you were two?"

I got flustered.

"I was wiping something that fell in my bra"


"What?" I said hiding my face. "Its true"

"You were two Aurora, you didn't have breast."

"Whatever, so how about you?"

"I'm not sure, I've known I've had a crush on you for years now, but between the bias to human I was scared. You know what happens to wolves who try to break away from tradition. They are mock, outcast, even victims of violent crimes."

"Well, that wont be a problem now since we can not be public now even if we wanted " I sighed sitting up.

"Aurora, we shouldn't dwell on things we can't change, the only thing that matters to me is that I am here, with you and I'm enjoying every second of this" he put his hands around my waist.

"So how about now?" I asked biting my lips.

"I think I fall for you harder than the last second I lay eyes on you."

My heart stammered violently.

He pulled me in ever so slowly and pressed his lips to mine. We slowly descended unto the blanket and he pinned me down in a dominating manner. I smirked. With all my strength I straddled him and he laid down confused.

"You're the horse, I'll always be the cow-girl "

"If I realized how special you were to me before, I would have initiated this relationship a long time ago"

He his tongue ran over my full lips and I bit softly on his tongue and he pulled me in firmly to him.

"You don't think I'm moving to fast do you?" I didn't want to be just another a slut to him.

"Baby girl, I don't care how fast your going, I just like the direction were moving in"

I kissed him.

"I just don't want to go too fast you know"

"Then take you foot off the peddle for now"

He was perfect.


"Are you sure that none of the guards will find us here?" I asked as Ethan snook me into his house, a big house at that.

"A hundred percent, none can enter my basement without consent from the Smith family, since I'm the only one left I am in charge."

"Well are you gonna invite me in? Or are you gonna just stand there smirking at me?" I bit my lips crossing my arms.

He ran his fingers through my curls, "Both are tempting"

"Chose wisely"

"Come in you big tease"

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