15|Holy War

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Holy War~

I feel the stopping hearts, the crying children. I feel everything.

I was fucking tired. Like fuck you don't understand how the past six weeks have been.

Salis warned us a couple of weeks ago that they intend on playing dirty, as in black magic which means that they have witches on their side.In case you didn't know black magic is formed when you kill mystical creatures and use their souls to do unforgivable magic. I told Aiden that I could syphon and since then I became his prized possession. He would make me work out vigorously and make Silas help me with the magical part of me.

But the atmosphere between us was still very tense, we'd fight to no return but then have these sweet little moments where we just knew that we didn't hate one another. We fought because we were scared that if we didn't, we would love each other, and I don't want to love him . I can't.

My schedule was hectic. Every week I would travel to different parts of the kingdom to find woman who wanted to contribute to the war effort. Whether it be to draft them or to hire healers and so on. Most of the woman are contributing in some way and most are high maintenance, but leave it to me to put them in their places.

I was to workout everyday for two hours and four hours on weekdays. At first it was impossible and overwhelming but I got used to it. But I still leave that gym wanting to drink Niagara falls. Salis and I spend over three hours everyday practicing new magic abilities I could do. I found out I could bend blood and I felt so avatar. 

Sadly the only test subject I was willing to practice on was Aiden, the staff offered but I just couldn't do it. Especially not with little Daisy.

The first time I did it was horrific, Aiden was in so much pain and I accidentally broke his arm when I was trying to make him wave. I was so sorry and said that I don't want to do it anymore but he told me 'mistakes happen, that doesn't make you a failure, giving up, that's what makes you a failure.'

So we kept practicing and I am currently able to paralyze him, lets just say that when we fight, that comes in handy. A few days ago I was speaking to my mother and she told me everything, well mostly. She said that I could:

-syphon (obviously)
- blind people temporarily
-run fast
-exquisite memory remembrance
- I can be stupid strong
-expression magic
And she said that each midnight warrior can have more power depending on their traits.

She wouldn't tell me what this whole warrior thing was but she did tell me that she indeed knew Lily very well but she wouldn't go into detail.

Now onto Ethan, he hasn't spoken to me since that day, last I heard he was still going to school but he's more of an asshole. I saw Zack a few days ago at the town bakery and   he said that he missed me but that Ethan has been flirting with Victoria (one of my childhood bullies).

The audacity of Ethan is outright ridiculous.

And the part that breaks my heart the most is that I hadn't seen my father for months. He and some of the guard were out recruiting and Aiden was leaving in a few days to start his world wide recruiting. I missed Ethan, I get so lonely at night. It scares me that I only sleep good when Aiden is in bed with me.

I sucked in a breath.

"Lily, what's going on?"

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