Chapter 11: Her name was Lily

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"Everybody out!" Aiden yelled into the palace. I heard the scurry of chartered feet running out as inhumanly possible.

I stood in the bathroom brushing my teeth and the loud thunder like footsteps angrily made their way to the wooden oak door.

"Open the fucking door Aurora."

"I'm brushing me teeth, Asshole just fucking wai-"

And that's when he busted the door down and threw it to the side maliciously. He was topless and had some sense to put on some grey sweatpants. He looked ready to decapitate me.

"Or that" I shrugged and continued to brush my teeth.

He walked to me and grabbed me by my neck harshly.

"Can you at least wait until I don't have toothpaste in my mouth? I would like our fights to be intense but I'm not an animal, I need to stay hygienic ."

"Your friends tell you you're funny don't they, or your parents?"

"Once or twice" I smirked.

"You probably think you're a fucking comedian , hysterical "

"I mean you said it, not me"

"Well," he pushed me against the glass body mirror and the glass shards scattered everywhere and I felt my lower back become impaled. "Let me tell you something, you are alive because I let you be"

I scoff. He shoved me harder against the glass and I felt blood spill from my mouth.

"Keep laughing Aurora, I dare you-"

I looked up and smiled.

"Cause I'll strip away your hope until laughing is the only thing you can do until you go completely mad."

I propelled myself of the wall and pulled the glass out of my back. "Bite me" I grumbled.

"Aurora, I go easy on you," he said and I could hear bitterness rising in his dark voice. "Ask me how much people I have killed?"

"I don't care about your physical combats-"

"Asked me!" He plunged his lean smooth fingers into my wound and I yelled out in agony. "Ask me!"

"How much?" I cried.

"I have killed nine hundred and seventy nine people" his voice laughed darkly.

"Sure half was in battle but you wanna know why I killed the other half?"

I looked away and tried to limp past him. He smiled crookedly.

"Aw, this is priceless"he taunted. I cursed silently and wondered why my fucking gift shit doesn't have a heal trick up itys sleeve.

"I'll show you" he grabbed my arm and like that we were speeding through the air.

"Let me go Aiden"

"I can't fucking let you go!" We were on top of the seven story palace. And the only thing that kept me from falling off the edge was that fact that Aiden was holding on to me with only one hand.

"What is wrong with you?" I barked at his insanity. "And don't say it's me, this level of fucked up does happen over the span of a week."

"You don't think I know that?!" He pushed me and now my legs dangled from the edge. "I am messed up Aurora and I have nothing except from control. I am a control freak! "

"Oh really I didn't notice"

"And you kept belittling me in front of my comrades, you take away from control"

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