16| Revelation

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Death is not a casualty of war, its a causality of Love, of Living.

"Get her to the healers"

"Jesus, they're still out there."

"I don't care, get my fucking daughter away from here!"

"Yes sir."

"You traitor!" Punch.


As I came to, the sounds of chaos surrounded me and I opened my eyes and took a deep breath. I should have felt sad, brokenhearted, perhaps depressed,  but all I  felt was anger.

"Put me down." I spoke clearly. The knife in my leg was in as far as it could possibly go, the pain was undescribable yet the stench of blood was what made me fell sick.

"Luna!" They yelled. "Are you okay?" " what do we do?" "The Alpha is fighting some creature."

"Silence!" I yelled. "And put me down." My father looked at me wearily. "Now."

He nodded and the cluster of men put me down.

"I need," I wrapped my hand around the end of the blade in my thigh. "All of the Guard to go after the wolves." I threw them a batch of vervain and wolfsbane I was hiding in my pocket .

"Yes Luna."

"I need the woman to take any of our wounded and run them to the palace to be healed. " I threw them my magic herbs.

"Lastly I want you all to look at the death that surrounds us. I know not many of us died, but some did, I want you to look at them. Remember that they are you brothers and sisters, and I want you to avenge them. Avenge them to the fullest extent , and don't let anything get in your way."

"Yes Luna." The agreed, some were wounded themselves but they had a passion I never knew to exist.

"Aurora." I heard my father say.


"What will you do about Ethan?"

I pulled the knife out of my thigh and winced only a little and gripped it in my hand.

"I'm going to make him feel the pain that he made me feel. I'm going to make him pay."

"But A-"

"Salis, take my father away from me and keep him safe."

"Aurora , are you sure you don't want  me to help?" My father asked.

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