Chapter 13: Tell Them To Kiss My Ass Too.

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"W-what do you mean?" I asked backing away on the soft woolen bed.

"I think you know exactly what I mean" he leaned close.

"What about Ethan?" I said expressing my internal struggle.

He pushed me down and smirked. "Fuck Ethan."

I can't, Ethan is my...boyfriend? I don't know we were never official but I feel dirty betraying his trust like this.

"Aiden no" I hissed attempting to step away from him. "Aren't we suppose to be training?"

He looked at me with strange eyes and sat next to me in a huff.

"I am training, you're sitting your freak show ass home."

"Excuse you?"

"You heard me, you aren't fighting, but thank you for the reminder."

He got out of bed and stretched and all of his tight abs moved in a way that should be illegal.

I stood up and looked at my body. I'm severely lacking in that area. I ran passed him to the gym and starred in awe at the machines.

"Holy shit"

"Don't get used to it." He walked to the mat and started to stretch.

I smirked, he got into an absurd yoga position and I crossed my arms. "Aren't you suppose to be training?"

"It's called stretching , you should try it, maybe it'll get your panty out of the knot it is currently in." He went into a handstand and smirked.

"I'm more of an observer of well deserved destruction ." I kicked him ass and he fell face first and before he could hit the soft mat I pulled it from under him so pretty was met with the cold hard ground in a hard smack.

"What the fuck?" He hissed hitting the floor. He growled and pushed me against the wall.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" I asked pushing him off of me.

"I swear if you weren't my mate you would have been a pile of limbs hiding in the dungeon."

"A pile of limbs that can kick your ass."

"Or really? Was that a bet? "

"White boy, are you sure you can catch these hands?"

He scoffed. "Can can indeed 'catch those hands' " he crossed his arms.

"You have no idea what that means do you." I laughed at his idiocy towards slang.

"PSH, I so do." He sassed walking towards the punching bag and started his dangerous reenactment of attacking someone to death.

"What is it?"

"Aurora, you're being a nuisance, go sit to the side before I chain you to the bed again."

I huffed. "Ethan wouldn't talk to me like this."

In an instant Aiden was in front of me with the most deadliest glare in his eyes. "Ethan isn't your mate, you are basically begging me to go fetch the bloody creature and chop his dick off to show it to you! I swear if we didn't have guest coming today-"

"Someone is coming?"

"Yeah, a couple of mystical creatures I went to fight camp with as a child."

"As a child?!" Fighting camp is the most harshest thing that fighters of the kingdom must ever endure. They have to kill bad dudes and go through the most brutal physical task.

"Look, I don't need your pity so just let it go Aurora-"

"But I was just-"

"Seriously, do you ever shut up, is there a dwaf in the wave between your brain and your mouth preventing you from shutting your mouth or are you just aggressive?"

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