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To mentally or physically hurt someone excessively to gain something and to take something away from the victim.

The next morning, I and Aiden spoke to the families that lost members in battle and even gave them a stupid large compensation. I knew money compared to a child is dog shit. If I lost my pop and some bitch gave me a shit load of cash, I'd shove it to the place that gets no sunshine.

Right then, that was all I could give to the forty eight families, aside from the vengeance I intended to display upon the enemy.

The nerve.

Aiden and I had bigger fish to fry. My father and the guard had found out that a few of the thousands of the Alpha Guard were traitors, Aiden of course found them and as Aiden and I walked down the corridor to go torture them for information, I knew there was no way that those people were getting out alive.

They are part of the reason that over forty eight citizens had their families planning funerals, we are able to save a couple, but a couple only benefits the living.

"Aurora..." He held my head firmly. He looked so different, he looked more buff, not that he wasn't before but now his muscles were more defined. His eyes had a know lighter tint to the former which was just a regular brown color, now was more of a hazel.

His hair had grown into perfectly combed strands that fell on his face slightly. He usually wore it tied back, especially in these troubling time.

And his face, so chiseled and sculpture , he looked more...mature, he acted like it as well. These past few weeks he hasn't cheated or did anything derogatory. Aside from our routine fighting of course.

"Yes Aiden?"

"You shouldn't come inside." His voice showed a slight worry.

"And why not?"

"When I get in there, I'm going nuts-"

"Was that supposed to scare me?"

"Aurora, there are some things you can't unsee."

"Don't patronize me Boy Wonder, I know how to care of myself-"

"What if I hurt you?"

"I'll fuck you up."I stated pinching his cheeks. "Don't worry about me." Just as I was about to pull back he grabbed my hands it was like touching an electrical current. I jumped back and his gazed told me he felt it to, the odd yet pleasurable tension lurking between him and I.

Just as I was about to comment on it, he stepped back with an upset look on his face before he spoke.

Did he feel it too?

"Sorry for grabbing your hand, it was too cold on my face."

He sped away from me full of distraught.

Why was he lying? Didn't he just hold my hands here?

I followed behind completely confused.

He walked in the room and looking at the man sitting perfectly calm in the middle of the oddly well kept room.

The man was unnaturally strong looking.

"I ain't saying shit." He said crossing his arms.

Aiden said nothing and kept pacing back and forth in behind the man. He walked back out leaving me with the horrid man.

"Hay honey." His gravel voice hummed disgustingly. I remained quiet.

"Let me out baby."

I again kept my mouth shut.

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