Chapter 6: I can't stop! I'm a Ripper!

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He grabbed me harshly by my arm and pulled me to the hallways.

"What the fuck are you wearing?"

"Its cotton" I faked smiled and pulled my arm out of his grip.

"Where are the dresses I stocked in you room?"

"I'm my room like you just said" I patronized him.

"Why?" He growled.

"Because you put them there"I smirked. "You're not the sharpest tool in the shed are ya?"

He shoved me against the wall.

"Everyone get out" he whispered but I know they heard. Some of them were dumbfounded to the point of paralysis.

I took a deep breath.

"Now!" He yelled and everyone ran out the room simultaneously.

He looked at me with glared eyes.

"What?" I snapped.

"Who do you think you are? Treating my like I'm your equal, treating me as if I won't snap your neck in an instant!"

"Listen to me-"

He slapped me across the face. The minute he did a flash of regret showed on his face. I looked to the side and picked up a vase and throw it as hard as I could to his face.

Of course he caught it.

"You missed" he smirked.

"Did I ?" I kicked him as hard I possible could in his groin. And smirked.

"Again pretty boy" he fell to the floor and held on for dear life to his dick. "Stay out of my way and I'll refrain from yours"

"And if it wasn't implied I am definitely not staying for diner" I said about to walk away and of course there he stood right in front of me.

"If you wont eat with me you won't eat at all." He growled and he lifted me by my arm and in an instant in was in my room. He threw me so hard against the wall that it crack the window there and I almost fell out.

I sucked in a breath awaiting the harsh concrete. Instead I heard Aiden cry out 'no' and when I opened my eyes I was in his arms.

My eyes were popped opened and I was surprised he went out of his way to save me.

"You can go now" I said removing myself from his grip and feeling the glass shards dig into my back and leg.

He took a step back but then sniffed harshly.

"You're bleeding" his eyes bulged. "Fuck this is bad"

I touched the blood and hissed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Asshole, do you throw everyone against walls, is it your fetish or some shit or is it just me cause if so-"

"No no no this is bad!" He grabbed my arm "shut up and follow me"

"Hell no-" and with that I was speeding through the castle air and he grabbed something from my cabinet and he ran me to the dungeon entrance and threw me in. I landed on my back.

"Fuck, I forgot you're human"

"What did you do?!"

"Blood!" I heard multiple vampires moan from behind their cage.

I crawled to the entrance.

"No! Fall back! The vampires in there won't hurt you! There's worst creatures are inside the castle who can't contain their blood lust."

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