Chapter 12: The Black Object.

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"When will they come?"

"It seems they are recruiting " Salis said in his meditation.

"When?" I beckoned Salis to continue as Aiden held my shoulder down to calm my eagerness.

"It seems we have one years"

"One year?" I looked wide eyes. "Why is it taking them so long to make pack?"

"They don't want to fight us just to rebel, they want to take our empire" Salis said.

"Well I hope they have a fetish for bad luck" Aiden smirked.

"Aiden, we have a mighty army but we should recruit a couple more mystical creatures for an advantage."

"Okay, I will go in two months and travel for eight months for recruitments , we'll spend the rest of the year training them"

Aiden? Gone for eight months? I knew should be ecstatic but...actually...wait,  nope I don't feel bad. This is great fucking news!

Ethan and I could be together without  a full army based resistance. Aiden could world fuck with Melissa for all I could care. Although the thought made me cringe.

We talked about different tactics to to take the rouge resistance down while Salis used his abilities to find out more information but he kept saying
"Something is pushing me back, or someone."

That is all the more proof that someone definitely doesn't want us to know the depth of this attempt, something told me this was bigger than we are prepared for, but that doesn't mean that we wouldn't fight.

We had an empire, over a million people depended on Aiden and now me to protect them, who am I to let them down?

"Aurora, I want to speak to you I private" I heard Aiden say walking towards the door.

"Are you asking or telling me?" I crossed my bare legs and looking at my nails.

"Telling" he grabbed my arm. "Definitely telling" he pulled me out the door and we sat in his study. The same place he fucked Melissa, I rolled my eyes and sat on the desk crossing my legs and leaning back on my palms.

He paced infront  of me and I chuckled.
"Great chat" I almost walked towards the door but he pushed me back against the desk.

"What's your problem? " I asked him he stood infront of me breathing heavily.

He still looked pissed. Okay, now I was getting to feel uneasy.

"You could have died" his voice broke and he raised his hands to run through his curly waves.

"Oh shut up I could take him"

"Aurora, I don't know what you are, what type of weird freaky creature you are-"

"I don't need your criticism."

"Let me finish!" He barked hitting the side of the table and I smirked.

"Insanity doesn't suit you Alpha Aiden."

"It's not funny Aurora, I don't care less  about your special abilities, you could have died out there!"

My breath caught, he cared?

"I may hate you with an absurdly burning fashion, but I sincerely do not want you deceased."

I sighed restlessly. "You can't do that Aiden" I shoved his cryptically. "I don't want to like you."

"You think I want this?" He pushed back against the desk. "When I saw you fighting, my every instinct was to rip you away from him. I knew somehow, you can take him, and even me when I don't use my full Alpha range-"

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