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We die a little every day and by degrees we’re reborn into different men, older men in the same clothes, with the same scars.

I was awaken by the sounds of the wild forest. I assumed it was my father hunting as he did every Monday morning.

I grumbled mumbles of words as I tried to wipe the heavy sleep from my eyes.

"Maybe if I act sick momma will let me stay home." I whispered to myself staring at the dark blue ceiling. My body felt so heavy as I tried to sit upright.

"Not happening." I heard my mom yell from downstairs. Shit,I forgot about the super hearing thing. When your surrounded by werewolves that are faster, stronger, genetically enhanced in everyway, you pretty much cannot get away with anything in the slightest.

Then again, I had just said my plan aloud for all to hear.

"Ugh fine." Surrendering seemed like a good idea at the time as I walked to the bathroom and grabbed the first things I could to put on. I walked into the lavatory. I already could hear the rude slurs from my bathroom.

Half- breed.


Arm pit hair

Yeah, not even remotely creative, but they still hurt. The resilience of those children are amazing, everyday they'd go out of their bloody way to antagonize me, I'd try to avoid them to no avail, it's hard to when you're surrounded by a school of pups.

The kids bullied me for everything about me, even the black werewolves said I was an embarrassment to them. The only person who is remotely nice to me at Kingdom schooling is my crush and friend Ethan Smith and at times his friend Zack Wood.

Ethan is the all around American dream boat. He had beautiful soft blood waves and piercing green eyes. He has these little moles on his chest and a face that just bring brought out his beauty and his smile. Oh, his smile. I would purposefully go on Reddit to find jokes just to make him laugh. Just to feel...accepted.

He didn't talk to me much around his friends, but his dad and my dad use to be close before his dad left him. So he came around a lot to my flat.

He said he's my best friend except for when we are at school and I was okay with that. I understood, him being seen with me was social suicide. Heck, I wouldn't hang out with me.

He was nice to me at home, but at school he would sometimes avoid me,  but at least he didn't bully me, and for that I was grateful.

I put my clothes on smiling at the thought of seeing Ethan, my future husband perhaps. No, no he'd never want me. Anywho I wasn't not his mate, I couldn't be, I was just a silly human and he was superior to me. He was a future guardsmen for the Alpha and I was the girl who was pitifully taken into the most powerful pack to ever exist.

He without a doubt was gonna get a lot of girls who would kill to be with him. So why would he settle for me? I wouldn't settle for me. The thought made me jealous and caused a slit in my fragile heart.

As I put my clothes on I made my way out my room.

"Momma, I don't want to go to school." I tired once more. "I can't handle being the outcast that I am when I am there. I have no one my age to truly bond with, I want more, I want to be accepted without obligation, I want to more than the bloody human-- girl that no one can stand to be around--"

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