Chapter 14: Sweet mother of Vervain

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Ethan and I finished our food and it was the most hostile filled tension I've ever had to endure. He kept looking at me with these odd eyes as we walked out the restaurant and I tried my hardest to avoid looking him in the eyes.

"So, how has it been in HQ?" He asked me for the third time tonight.

"Ethan I told you, it's been kind of difficult adjusting to the new environment but I've been fine."

He looked like that's not the answer he was aiming for, what? Was I suppose to tell him the dirty juices of the palace. I may be his girlfriend but whether or not I like it, I am their Luna, his Luna, so I have no right to spill my people's secrets.

"That's it?" He said as we walked back to my house.

"What more did you want Ethan, the dirty gossip creeping through the castle?"

"I mean-"

"I was kidding, I can't tell you those stuff Ethan, I have a responsibility."

"You know what? Fine, you become Luna for two months and suddenly you're all high and mighty. Don't forget that just a couple of weeks ago you were a nobody, a rat among cats. I was there for you when no one was so don't think for a second that you are nothing but a human." He huffed in my face.

How could he?!

"Are you fucking serious? Who do you think you are Ethan?! I am not just a human, and even if I were you would have no right to diminish me. I'm tired of you-" I walked away and I felt a tug on my arm.

"I didn't say you could leave!" He held on with a threatening strength and I said

"Ethan, you're hurting me."

"I said you're aren't to leave yet-"

I pulled my hand back and socked him in the face. It was a hard smack to his face and he fell back bewildered at the fact that I caused this much damage.

"Don't ever, grab onto me like that."


"Don't, I need space."

He bowed his head at the authority in my voice that I've never used and he obeyed. I didn't like the fact that I was able to control the wolves like this and I told myself never to use it again.

I walk into the woods on the path to HQ. I could have gotten there in five minutes if I ran but I just need time to think.

Ethan has always had those outburst when we were growing up. He'd yell at me for bringing up my race. Or for complaining about the way the other kids treated me. Basically Ethan was happy with me when I was quite or when I agreed with him. And moon goddess have mercy on my soul if I didn't. I shuddered at the thought.

But I couldn't bring my self to hate him, cause if I hated him I would have to love Aiden, and the thought of that scared me immensely because I didn't hate the thought of that.

I walked slower to stop myself for hyperventilating but something felt off. I felt watched.

"Tsk tsk Lily."

"What do you want?" Lily asked the hooded figure.

"I want the wolfsbane, and I won't take no for an answer."

"I will never give you the wolfsbane, my loyalty lies with the pack for now, I will never play for the Elders."

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