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Bewildered ~

There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot.

The car ride was long and unbelievably treacherous. The awkward tension between the man and I was almost unbearable. I wish I had my phone so I could listen to music or something but the guard topk my phone for 'safety precaution related reasons' or as I'd like to call it: bullshit.

The car smelled of wet dog, I guess that was to be expected, but I just couldn't wait to get out of the car. All the girls got the coach bus where as I am smushed between two steroids looking champs in a Forrest Jeep.

It was the most bumpiest and slow motion sickness provoking ride to ever exist.

As our driving became slower we approached the Kingdom headquarters aka Alpha Aiden's house. I'm not going to lie, I've seen hundreds of pictures of the headquarters but they did it no justice in actuality.

It looked like a palace that you'd read about in fairy-tales.

"Whoa." I said as the man parked the car after driving the mile like drive up the drive thru.

"Yeah well, don't get used to it." The man driving the car said with a harshness that wasn't called for as he jumped out of the car before opening door.

"Wasn't planning on it, Bub" I rolled my eyes to hide the hurt and then scoffed to myself. Why was I upset again? Because this guy doesn't like a human sitting in his car? As if I hadn't dealt with worst.

The walked through the garden that led to the front door was wonderful. There were flowers and plant life there that I had never seen before. Each beauty made me feel like I had a breath knocked out of my lungs. I raised me hand to touch one in particular, it was a rose cliche enough, the inside had this stunning white color. It was as if someone had stopped and took there time to paint every inside of the roses white.

"Oh, and human," He grabbed my arm most likely leaving a mark on my russet skin. I jerked out of his grip to no avail.

"Aurora." I insisted utterly baffled by the audacity of this man.

"Well Aurora, don't get yourself killed." He let go of my arm and fell in with the guardsmen.

"Inspirational speaker much?" I mumbled. He didn't answer and simply marched me into the the palace, I had no time to look around as the feeling of anxiety started to level in my throat and stomach. What if Alpha Aiden forgot that he granted my parents permission to stay in the Kingdom and he kills me? What if the guard men do it out of spite?

There was a large group of women lines up in the lobby of the palace, maybe about over five hundred which meant he had probably went through about a thousand or so woman who weren't his mate, which meant a tempered alpha was about to show his face.

Minutes passed as I began to analyze the women in the line. As I began to inspect them the line of females quickly moved into the castle. They walked so freaking fast that I was basically running to keep up.

Suddenly the line stop and I heard large foot steps approaching. The movement was like African drums, getting louder and louder until in sync they all came to a stop.

"Ladies of the Kingdom, you are given the great honor today of setting foot in Headquarters, and the even greater honor of setting eyes on Alpha Aiden, but the greatest honor of all goes to our future Luna who could very well be standing right next to you." Everyone started mumbling and the girl next to me looked at me and snorted. "As if."

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