19| Inception

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19| Inception

All was well as I slept. I felt warmth cover me like a blanket. I felt safe. Secured. Sunlight shed on my face as I slowly opened my eyes. I felt the steady breathing of the man next to me.

Only to realize, Aiden never slept with a steady breath.

I jumped up surprised. "Where am I ?!"

"Venus?" Ethan jumped up to me.

"Ethan? What the fuck are you doing in my bed?! Wait a minute...Where am I, that isn't my bed."

"Obviously not, it's our bed, quite down you're gonna wake the kids."

"What kids? I'm an only child."

"I know that you goof, I mean our kids."

"Okay, this has to be a game I don't understand."

"Well you did fail English twice."

"Failed English? I've never gotten less than 100 in any of my classes."

"Ha! As if." Ethan laughed sitting me back down on the bed.

"Don't touch me traitor, I have to get to the Kingdom."

"Kingdom?" The was a long pregnant pause."Oh no not this again."

"Not what! Let me go! I will tell Aiden about this."

"Venus, don't do this again, I just got you back from the Three Elders."

"Ha! I knew it, you're on their side. You're conspiring with the filthy leeches."


"No, you left the pack, you tried to kill me."

"Venus, The Three Elders is a mental facility."

"No, you're a liar." I looked over to find some wolfsbane on the counter and threw it at Ethan.

Ethan simply caught it and threw it on the floor.

"H-how did you touch the wolfsbane?"

"Venus, there is no such thing as wolfsbane! You just threw rosemary at me, you know I'm allergic."

"Yes there is, don't try to fool me, wolfsbane is the weakness of all werewolves."

"I am not a werewolves Venus. The doctor said that if you began to talk like this to take you back to the facility. Please stop talking like that, I can't lose you again."

"No! No! You stay away from me you traitor." His words spun in my head. Had I gone mad?

I raised my hand to bend his blood.

He walked over to me. "Venus what are you doing? Did you stop the medication?"

"I'm bending your blood."

"Venus stop it, I don't understand you when you talk like this."

"Talk like what Ethan, I don't have the for your games, I have to get back to HeadQuarters."

"Venus, were in Seattle, I don't know what Headquarters your talking about unless you mean the company."

"What company? What is Seattle?"

"Headquarters...The business company."

"Take me there this instant-"

"What? Why? You hate HeadQuarters, you once today me, and I quote 'if I here my parents talk about how good and helpful that fucking company is, I'm going to buy a gun, learn how to use it, and kill myself.' "

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