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In my youth, I courted war, for that, I will never forgive myself.

It was ten days after killing that traitor whose name I cannot remember. Aiden and I killed alot of people that day.

We where attacked again by a small group of people. I woke up that day already angry. I was confused with Aiden, we fought of course about me going outside the kingdom to go look for where I thought the three elders may have been hiding.

We fought and I slapped him across the face with my palm, I didn't know why.

"Don't hit me Aurora!"

"Don't control me Aiden!"

"I'm not controlling you Aurora!" He pushed me against the kitchen table livid. "I'm trying to protect you-"

"I don't always need your protection."

"I know you don't woman, but we are at war, I can't have the Luna of the kingdom, go out and sticking her ass out saying 'here come and kill me'."

"Okay, you're being over dramatic."

"Over dramatic! You almost brought one of the there elders people into you life-"

"I didn't know that it wasn't Ethan."

"Enough Aurora, you're not going and that is my word."

"Your word? Your word?! Your words can kiss my ass and tell me how it taste like."

He lifted me off the floor and threw me onto the couch ten feet away and I got my head on the wall.


"What? I was trying to knock some sense into you."

"You just hit me."

"You slapped me!"

"Ugh! Why do we always do this?"

"I dont know, but what I know is that you are not to leave to go find the elders by yourself."

He stomped out angrily and started pacing in the yard mumbling to him self. "Why? Why doesn't she listen?"

I scoffed and followed him outside.

He looked up at me and had a blank expression on him face before he turned and kept walking further and further out into the forest to clear his head.

"I wasn't done talking to you Aiden."

"That sounds like a problem that you need to fix Aurora."

"Why can't you just.." I stopped the middle of my sentence.

"What?" He said not looking at me.


"Aurora?" He put his hand on my shoulders. "What do you hear? I don't hear anything."

"It's not what I hear...It's what I feel."

Suddenly there was a shift in the air.

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