20| Headquarters

391 19 14

20| Headquarters

I drove off into the stolen car, lost and confused. I've always been so clear minded but I couldn't focus.

Where was Headquarters?

I was on Night Boulevard driving around looking madly for the building. It was so busy and I couldn't distinguish the company.

"Ah!" I yelled in agony. My brain was going haywire, I was getting looks from everyone. I looked crazy.

I parked the stolen car and started walking, more like jogging looking for the bloody building.

"Hay, lady, get from the road." A man yelled. I looked and saw these cars speeding full fledged towards me. I jumped back onto the sidewalk and tried to look for my target.

I saw a man sitting on the floor smoking a cigar. He was filthy, most likely a peasant. Or, as these people called him, a bum.

"Whatchu want woman?" The man tsked getting aggravated with me.

"Where is Night HeadQuarters?"

"Oh, that big thing, it's two blocks down your right, ya can't miss it."

I nodded. "Thank you sir. " I ran down the two block. There were so much people, so much noise.

That's when I saw it, Headquarters, it was a gigantically large building. Next to the name there was a wolf paw logo. That had to mean something!

I busted through the door.

"Aiden! Aiden Night!"

There were a whole bunch of businessmen and women who all stopped and looked at me, I must have looked bizarre. My skin almost pale and sickly. My constant shivering. My strands of hair out of place.

"Aiden!" I cried out keeping my head in a constant state of motion as i looked for my Aiden.

A female security woman ran up to me. "Ma'am, were going to have to ask you to leave."

"No, I need to speak to Aiden Night."

"The boss is very busy all day."

My eyes widen. That meant that my Aiden was here, in this building.

"Bring me to Aiden." I commanded the woman.

"No." She said sternly before grabbing my arm to pull me out. And I had it. I swung my foot up and axe kicked her to the ground.

I whipped around and saw four other security guards running my way. That's when I saw the elevator. A woman was stepping out with her daughter.

"Get her!" I heard in the distance the tell-tale sound of multiple padding footsteps as oppose to my light skilled pounces.

I ran with all I could. I had to find Aiden. I slid into the elevator, a man was right on my tail and stepped inside with me. He was twice my size. I pressed the highest floor, 156 and looked back to the man.

"You have to leave, don't make me hurt you." He looked at my small frame obviously underestimating my strength, even without my powers, I still had ten years of training under my belt.

Alpha AidenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora