03. Horror

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She should've never let the girls put a horror movie on. No, that was a horrible idea. And she definitely should've left the room with Ally to help her friend make cookies. That'd definitely be a lot better than watching a horror movie, because horror movies and Karla Camila Cabello don't mix.

"Do you really enjoy this stuff?" Camila whispers to Lauren, making sure to cover her eyes. "I'm not even watching and it's going to give me nightmares."

Lauren laughs. "It's not real, Camz. You know that."

"It's still scary," Camila burrows under the blanket they're sharing, aware of the odd look Dinah sends her. "I don't like it."

"Camz," Lauren smiles, awing at her, "Come here. I'll protect you from the monsters."

Camila doesn't even let Lauren finish her sentence, because she's already cuddled up next to her friend and burying her face into her neck, taking in Lauren's comforting scent of vanilla. "Thanks, Lolo."

"No problem." Lauren grins and absentmindedly traces patterns across Camila's arm. "Anything for you."

Camila decides that maybe she'll watch more horror movies with the girls. Only if cuddling Lauren is a definite.

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