11. Acceptance

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The first time Camila feels well and truly accepted is when she comes out to Normani and Ally. They've just finished off recording vocals for what's definitely going to be their first single, Miss Movin' On, and Camila feels like if she's going to be in a group with them for the foreseeable future, she wants to be open and herself.

Dinah offers to stay with her, which she appreciates, and she holds her best friend's hand as she blurts out the words, "I think I might be gay."

Ally doesn't seem too shocked, and Normani pulls her in for the biggest bear hug she can muster, and all Camila feels is completely and totally accepted. Even though she still isn't certain about how she identifies, she knows her girls will accept her no matter what.

"So... you only think you might be gay?" Ally asks her when Normani finally lets her go. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, I know I like girls," Camila says, "I just don't know if I like boys or not."

"How'd you figure it out?" Normani asks, and Dinah sends her a look that reads, don't ask.

But, Camila trusts them. Ally and Normani are like sisters to her, and she knows they won't tell anyone anything. "I like Lauren. A lot."

Again, Ally doesn't look all that surprised. Camila figures she's probably not as subtle as she'd like to be with all the staring at Lauren that she does.

Normani asks the question that's on both her and Ally's mind. "How long have you liked her?"

"Well... I think since I met her, really." Camila shrugs and she realises she probably looks a little sad when she feels Dinah squeeze her hand. "She doesn't know. About me liking girls, I mean. I think with the whole Camren thing she might... pull away from me."

"She wouldn't do that, Walz," Dinah assures her, "Lauser's one of your best friends, and at the end of the day, she probably doesn't give a fuck about whatever the fans think."

Camila really wishes that was true.

we make love (and love falls apart)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora