20. Beautiful

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Ally had convinced the girls to go on an impromptu Waffle House trip with her, but Camila decides to hang back, because her head is still spinning from last night. Lauren had kissed her. Lauren Michelle Jauregui, possibly the most attractive and enthralling girl in the world, had kissed her.

She's so never getting over that.

After a little while of lying in her bunk, reading her favourite John Green book, Camila decides to get a snack, so she crawls out of her bunk and walks towards the kitchen. The last thing she expects is to see Lauren rifling through the cereal cupboard.

"Hey," Camila announces her presence. "Didn't you go to Waffle House with the girls?"

"No," Lauren shakes her head as she grabs the box of honey nut Cheerios. "I was in the mood for pyjamas, cereal and a movie. Care to join me?"

"I..." Camila can't believe how easy conversation is coming with the knowledge that Lauren's tongue had been in her mouth last night. "Sure. I was just going to hide out in my bunk like a hermit. I guess spending time with you is as good a pastime as any."

Lauren pours herself a bowl of cereal – passing on the milk – and flops down on the couch, patting the spot next to her. Camila sits and Lauren presses play on the remote; apparently she's already put a movie on.

"How are you feeling today?" Lauren asks, and Camila nearly jumps out of her skin; she hadn't expected the other girl to talk much. "Jumpy, I take it."

"No- I mean, mood wise, I'm a lot better," Camila says, looking down at her feet, "I'm just a little confused. Why'd you kiss me?"

Lauren stares at her for a moment. "You'd never had your first kiss."

"So it was some kind of pity thing?" Camila raises an eyebrow. "You kissed me because you felt sorry for me. That's it, isn't it?"

"No," Lauren shakes her head, "I kissed you because you were talking about how nobody found you beautiful enough to kiss you. But I do."

Camila blinks in shock, and her stomach does about ten somersaults in a row. "You... what?"

"I think you're beautiful, Camila," Lauren squeezes her hand, "and it upsets me that you don't see it yourself."

"But..." Camila frowns, "you don't like girls."

"You're right. I don't." Lauren agrees with her, and Camila feels her heart sink. "But maybe you're an exception to the rule."

The words have barely sunk in before Lauren's soft lips are on Camila's again, and the younger girl has no idea what she's doing, but she follows Lauren's lead because the raven haired girl is kind of like, an expert at kissing. Lauren's the one to pull away first, and Camila stares at her in shock.

"Was that okay?" Lauren sends her a shy smile and Camila tries not to faint. "You've gone a little quiet."

"No, no," Camila shakes her head and cups Lauren's face with her hands. "Kiss me again."

Lauren happily obliges.


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