23. Confessions

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"Look, you've been acting weird, Walz. And I don't know what it is, but I need you to tell me."

"I can't, Dinah," Camila tells her friend for what feels like the millionth time. "I'm fine. It doesn't matter, anyway."

"You're always moping around." Dinah points out. "Please, just tell me what's wrong. You know I wouldn't tell anyone."

Camila has to admit, Dinah has a point. "Fine. Lauren and I... have been kissing. But that's it. We're just friends who kiss. And it's so weird, DJ. I like her, and if she kisses me, then obviously she has some kinds of feelings for me, right? But she refuses to talk about it. If I start mentioning it, then she starts to close herself off."

After a few moments of silence, Dinah shrugs. "Do something about it, then. Either put a stop to whatever you're doing, or ask her how she feels and don't give up until you get an answer.

Camila turns Dinah's advice over in her head all day. She's still thinking about it when Lauren crawls into her bunk later that night. When she opens her mouth to speak, Lauren kisses her.

Camila decides she'll talk to her tomorrow.

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