14. Jealousy

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Their first single comes out, and along with a single, they need a music video. And when Lauren is put with a guy in it, Camila can't help but feel her blood boil.

Why did it have to be Lauren? Why couldn't it have been one of the other girls?

Especially since she's supposed to cheer her on.

When they're finished filming, she overhears Normani talking to Lauren. "So, did you like him?"

"No," Lauren's words make Camila breathe a sigh of relief, "not really. There are better guys out there. Did you know that Camila isn't-"

"Straight?" Normani finishes for her. "Yes. We've known for a while. Didn't know she'd told you, though."

Lauren hums in thought. "Do you think she likes anyone? I want to get her a girlfriend."

While the thought is sweet, unless Lauren's about to offer herself up, Camila highly doubts that Lauren will find her a suitable candidate for a girlfriend any time soon.

"I know she likes someone," Normani says, "and before you ask, no. I don't know who it is."

"I'll find out," Lauren replies, and Camila nearly laughs because there's no way she's letting that happen. "I want her to be happy."

At Lauren's words, Camila's stomach does about ten thousand backflips, because that's the sweetest thing she's ever heard and it's doing absolutely nothing to help her crush. But whatever. If Lauren is going to say nice things about her, she's going to pack that away in her memory.


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