16. Pessimism

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Camila doesn't know why she expects Lauren to talk to her. She figures it's because if someone walked in on her kissing a girl, she'd want to explain to them right away. But the curtain on her bunk stays closed, and she doesn't heat Lauren's voice anymore, so clearly she's not been followed.

She feels nothing short of pessimistic about it, because she'd hoped that maybe Lauren would talk to her, tell her that yes, she does like girls, that her and Lucy were experimenting and that Lauren feels the same way about Camila.

She knows that's not going to happen, but a girl can dream.

When she goes through the night undisturbed, she thinks that maybe Lauren was just giving herself time to cool off and they'll talk when they have breakfast together, but almost as soon as Camila leaves her bunk and goes to get a bowl of cereal, Lauren practically inhales her Cheerios and darts out of Camila's sight.

Camila sighs to herself, watching her go, and decides to let Lauren have her space.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder, right?

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