04. Confusion

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So, Camila's fairly certain she likes Lauren, but she's also fairly certain that she's not supposed to like Lauren. Because Lauren is her bandmate, her friend, and most notably a girl.

She doesn't know how to feel about it, because Camila is supposed to like boys. Camila has always liked boys, and that's what makes it even more confusing, because she'd always thought that when she hit her teenage years and had a real crush, it'd be on a cute boy that she'd meet somewhere. Definitely not a cute girl who happens to be her bandmate.

"You okay there, Walz?" Dinah asks her, probably noticing how spaced out Camila had been during their rehearsal for the next live show. "You like kind of... out of it."

"Uh, yeah, fine," Camila distractedly replies, her gaze landing on Lauren who is laughing about something with Normani. "How are you?"

"Cut the crap," Dinah rolls her eyes, "Something's up. Tell me what's wrong. You've been out of it all day."

Camila sighs and bites down on her bottom lip, not wanting to reveal the fact that she might actually like girls to Dinah when she's not sure about it herself. "I'm just kind of confused about things. Um... love life trouble and all that."

Dinah snorts. "Love life trouble? You? Mila, you haven't even had your first kiss yet."

Camila blushes. "Shut up. Maybe I like someone, okay?"

"Ooh, now this is my kind of gossip," Dinah sends her a teasing grin, "who is he? I'll help hook you two up if you want."

Camila's heart sinks at the pronoun, because it's definitely not a he that she might be crushing on. "Do you think that any of the other girls like anyone?"

Dinah shrugs. "I know that Lauren is into Keaton and Mani likes Arin. Why?"

"Oh," Camila doesn't miss the way her heart seems to sink even further when Dinah practically confirms that yeah, Lauren's straight and she likes Keaton. "No reason. We should probably get back to rehearsing, anyway."

After a moment's hesitation, Dinah nods. "Yeah. We should."

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