09. Thankful

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Lauren and Keaton break up, and Camila kind of hates herself when the first thing she feels is thankful.

She's been home in Miami for a week, and when she gets a weird text from Lauren telling her that she's coming over, she doesn't hesitate to get out of her pyjamas and make herself look as presentable as she can in the twenty minutes it takes for Lauren to get to her house.

When the older Latina gets to Camila's room, she flops down on the bed next to her with a sigh. "Keaton broke up with me."

Camila almost laughs, because what kind of dumbass would break up with Lauren Jauregui? "His loss, then."

Lauren shuffles over on Camila's single bed to look at her, and their noses touch. Camila aches to close the gap between them, to show Lauren that she doesn't need Keaton, but she refrains from it, because she'd lose her friend if she did that.

Because Lauren doesn't like girls.

"He said it was because of distance." Lauren replies. "I agree, in a way. I just... really liked him. I know you probably won't get it because you've never had a breakup, but I feel like he's just died."

"He didn't deserve you." Camila blurts out, clamping her teeth down on her bottom lip and wanting to slap herself when Lauren's bushy eyebrows dip into a frown. "I'm sorry."

"No..." Lauren shakes her head. "Don't be. Why do you think that?"

Because I'm the one who deserves you, Camila thinks. "No reason. He's just... not good enough for someone as amazing as you. You're so kind-hearted and talented and beautiful and he was just... him."

Lauren sends her a small smile. "You think I'm beautiful?"

"The most beautiful." Camila nods, reaching over and squeezing Lauren's hand. "And you don't need a boy to prove that to you."

"Yeah," Lauren smiles. "Thanks, Camz. You're a really good friend."

The word friend makes Camila's stomach drop and her face fall, but she quickly composes herself. "You're welcome. Do you want to... watch some TV to take your mind off things?"

Lauren nods. "Sure."

Camila watches Lauren a lot more than she watches the TV.

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