19. Embarrassment

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She knows from her One Direction fangirl days that when you have fans, they ask invasive questions. She just didn't think she'd feel so embarrassed about it when an overly curious fan asks when all of their first kisses were.

Camila turns bright red at the question, watching as all of the other girls answer, and when the microphone is passed to her, slowly mumbles, "Um, it hasn't happened yet."

She's pretty sure that all of the other girls know that by now, but it doesn't make it any less embarrassing since the interview will be posted on YouTube in a matter of days.

(She really hopes that someone will edit that out, just to give her some security, but she highly doubts that'll happen.)

Her cheeks are still burning red when they finish the interview and head back to the tour bus, and she heads straight to her bunk under the guise of having a nap; really, she just wants some alone time.

She doesn't at all expect Lauren to crawl into her bunk next to her and take hold of her hand. "Hey. Are you alright? You seemed super quiet during the interview."

"I'm just..." Camila sighs, "promise you won't laugh?"

Lauren squeezes her hand. "Promise."

Camila looks anywhere but Lauren, "I'm embarrassed that I haven't had my first kiss yet."

"Hey, look at me," At Lauren's words, Camila looks up, "You're only sixteen; there's no age limit on when you're supposed to experience your first kiss or your first relationship or even your first time having sex. It's not embarrassing at all."

"Have you-" Camila turns bright red again and mutters out, "have you had sex yet?"

"No," Lauren shakes her head, "Keaton and I definitely didn't do that. It didn't feel right with him, no matter how much I liked him."

Camila wants to ask what about Lucy but she holds it back, because she knows that Lauren would flip out at her. "At least you've been kissed. I know it sounds stupid, but I feel like there's something wrong with me because other people don't seem to find me attractive. The person I like doesn't like me back and they never will, and it makes me feel so bad about myself."

"There's nothing wrong with you," Lauren assures her, "I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

Camila scoffs. "Even when mirrors exist?"

"Smooth, Cabello," Lauren laughs at her words, but it's not even a joke. "But, yes. Even with the existence of mirrors, I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever had the pleasure to lay eyes on."

"I don't believe you," Camila mumbles, sighing into her pillow. "Not with three people like Mani, Ally and Dinah out there. Not with you laid right there next to me."

Lauren hums. "I guess I'll have to make you believe me."

Camila is about to retort, but before she can speak, there's a soft pair of lips on hers and Lauren's hand is resting against her jaw, pulling her closer. At first, Camila is too stunned to react, because Lauren fucking Jauregui is kissing her and that's the last thing she expected to happen. Camila's heart stops and then decides to overcompensate when Lauren's tongue traces her bottom lip, and Camila opens her mouth slightly, a moan reverberating in the back of her throat when Lauren's skilled tongue grazes her unexperienced one.

That seems to snap Lauren out of whatever had possessed her to do that in the first place, and she pulls away, albeit slowly. Then, she sends Camila a small smile and squeezes her hand again. "You're beautiful, Camila. Don't ever forget that."

With that, she climbs out of Camila's bunk and disappears, leaving the younger girl in complete and utter shock.

we make love (and love falls apart)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin