Chapter Six

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Edited - 05/01/2015

Chapter Six

My neck is still being stitched up when the door is flung open and Loki rushes into the room making Kira jump and slightly stab my neck with the needle.

I yelp “Ow what the fuck.”

Kira comments “Sorry Brooke Loki made me jump.”

Loki asks “What happened Brooklyn?”

I admit “Grizzly Bear bit me on the neck plus hit round the face with its paw.”

Loki asks “How do you still live if this Grizzly Bear did this to you?”

“One I was in my Snow Leopard form as you call it and two Kira is a great nurse.”

Kira groans “I’m not that great.”

I smirk “You’ll do.”

“Oh thanks Brooke.”

“You’re welcome.”

Loki asks “Why did this happen?”

I admit “Rival clan challenged Morgan for our territory and it got out of hand like it usually does.”

Loki asks “Did you win?”

I look at Loki out of the corner of my eyes since I’m not allowed to move my head at the moment.

I smirk “Not shit Sherlock that’s why we’re still here.”

“You would fight to the death for this territory.”

“No shit it’s our home it’s our clan they would kill everyone if we didn’t fight to the death.”

“Why would they do such a thing?”

“Because that’s what rival clans do when they win new territory except they would usually see if any of the last clan would go into theirs.”

Kira notifies “Nobody would submit to be in any other clan apart from this one.”

Loki asks “Why would you do such a thing why not submit and allow yourself to live on.”

I snap “it’s called loyalty to our Alphas Loki.”

Loki asks looking genuinely confused “Who are the Alphas?”

I notify “Roxy and Morgan are the Alphas of this clan.”

“Does this mean I have to do as they say?”

“Yes but you should do as I say more.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I’m the one who has to keep an eye on you.”

Kira smiles “There all done Brooke you’re free to go.”

I cheer “Hallelujah.”

I get to my feet and stretch out my arms and legs.

I hug Kira while smiling “Thank you.”

Kira smiles “No problem Brooke.”

I nod my head and turn to walk out of the door while Loki follows.

I ask “Have Skye, Esme and Athena helped you put your new clothes in your wardrobe?”

Loki notifies “Yes I believe they did.”

I point out “I still see that you’re not wearing any of them.”

“I didn’t want to get changed in their presence.”

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