Chapter Eleven

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Edited - 05/01/2015

Chapter Eleven

After a few minutes of driving in silence I decide to put some music on. I end up putting ‘On our way’ by The Royal Concept. I notice Loki jolt slightly as the music starts up.

Loki turns back to me now all signs of him being upset gone. “What is this?”

“It’s a song called on our way by the music group called the Royal Concept.”

“Why have you got this song turned on?”

“Because you weren’t talking and I was giving you some time to think.”

“Then why not let me think without having music on?”

“I don’t like silence when I'm driving. I like either having music running or someone talking to me.”

“Well you have both now don’t you.”

“So you’re going to continue talking to me now are you?”


I smile knowing that he’s finally cheered up enough to have a conversation. I won’t bring the subject up for a while as he’s rather hard to deal with when he’s like that.

Turning down the music slightly I ask “So what do you want to talk about then?”

Loki asks “How long will it take to get to this place we are going?”

I admit “Well we’ve been travelling for about five minutes so about another fifty minutes.”

Loki stares at me in shock.

I comment “You really hate travelling by car don’t you.”

“I don’t particularly care for it but I guess having you drive is a plus you know that I dislike travelling at high speeds in these cars as you call them.”

I roll my eyes then laugh which quickly receives a glare from Loki.

“Why are you laughing?”

“The others don’t drive like maniacs and if you asked them to slow down then they would with the exception of Rocco probably but that’s because he’s an ass.”

“Why do you curse so much?”

“All Shifters do. I don’t know why but we just do. Call it a defence mechanism or just us being rude it doesn’t matter we just do it.”

Loki nods his head then falls silent again.

Loki asks “You all seem so close.”

I admit “We’ve all been living together for a very long time. Our newest additions are Isaac and Felix.”

“When did you arrive?”

“Me, Thea and Phoenix arrived around nine or ten years ago. Raya is Phoenix’s true mate so Phoenix moved into the clan and we were allowed to join as well.”

“Where did you live beforehand?”

“Here, there and everywhere in between.”

“Did you not have a home?”

“We were a clan of three.”

“Weren’t you born into a clan as you say?”

“Yes but we didn’t stay there long.”

“What your parents moved away from that clan and brought you with them? Why?”

“Our parents didn’t leave the clan. We did.”


I don’t respond as I focus on my driving and let myself calm down. If only Loki had the ability to sense my mood then he probably wouldn’t question it anymore.

Loki asks again persistently “Why Brooklyn why did you and your siblings leave without your parents?”

I snarl in question “Can we change that subject?”

Loki jumps at the unexpected aggressiveness in my voice.

Loki asks “Why? What upsets you so much that forces you to be so angry about your past?”

Pulling over to the side of the road and stopping quickly I pull the keys out of the ignition and get out of the car. My Snow Leopard is trying to surface and if she does then its best not to be in a moving vehicle with someone with no idea how to control said moving vehicle.

Loki gets out of the car and looks at me as I pace up and down the road slightly.

Loki asks “Brooklyn what upsets you about your past?”

I snap “Loki let it drop I let the subject go when you were upset not that long ago. This is a subject that I just simply can’t talk about.”

Loki tilts his head but then straightens up and nods his head.

Loki asks “What are you doing now?”

“Calming down. My Snow Leopard isn’t such a fan of the last subject so we’ll leave it at that.”

Loki nods and leans against the car door with his eyes closed. I begin to feel calmer and I stretch slightly and head to the front of the car.

“Get back in the car Loki we’re going to continue to the Ice Rink.”

Loki quickly climbs into the car and redoes his seatbelt up while I get in. I put the keys in the ignition and do my seatbelt up at the same time. Pulling away from the edge of the road I turn the CD player on again so that it plays music again.

We continue on our way having a general conversation about things that pop up into our minds. 

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