Day 28

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Ella's POV

The girls and I had been excited about this day for practically weeks. The new Harry Potter ride had opened at Universal Studios Hollywood and the girls and I may have secretly prepared something extremely amazing for the boys as a farewell excursion.

I woke up at 5:30 and started to gather myself together. I calculated the twenty six minute drive from our house, counting in an extra 9 minutes for traffic making an estimate of a thirty five minute drive. I was in charge of breakfast, Rey and Tia the outfits and Lucy the driving. The park opened at 8:30 so we would leave at 7:55. I figured I would wake up now to start the special breakfast buffet, wake Rey and Tia up when I was done around 6:30 and Lucy up just before the boys. It would work out just fine. Hopefully.

I prepared the waffles and put them off to the side covered in tinfoil. Next I cut some fresh fruit I gathered yesterday at the market and placed into assorted bowls. Everything besides the drinks were basically set.

I checked my watch and it was 6:15. What's the sake of 15 minutes.

"REY! LUCY! WAKE UP! ITS SUNDAY!" I mind yelled.

I heard them groan so I decided to go up and help them. We had nine stones, two cans of spray paint, the spell book and a lot of hot glue laid out on our prep table. We split it evenly, three rocks, three sticks and we would share the glue. We found a permanent transformation spell that we used on the rocks to turn them into different house robes. We sorted Me, Lucy and Luke into Ravenclaw, Rey and Max into Gryffindor, Jacob and Kyle in Hufflepuff and Tia and Chase into Slytherin. I used the spell fort on the three ravenclaw robes and I have to say they were identical I the ones in the movie. I took a chopstick and started to draw on it the same design as different characters' wands. Once we sprayed them with the spray paint and heated them a touch to dry faster, it all looked very genuine.

Of course we an hour to Finnish it but it was just enough time for Lucy to set up hedwig's theme to play as the boys walked out of their room.

On the count of three, we all screamed "BOYS!" causing there to be a lot of noise, rattling and even girly screams.

They walked out of their room still half asleep yet we laughed at them.

We handed them each a letter we printed online and wrote their names on it.

"WERE GOING TO UNIVERSAL!" Rey screamed jumping on Max's back.

"Miss Granger." He said politely.

"Mr. Weasly," she replied riffling his hair. He may not have looked like Ron but he certainly had the same personality.

We all discussed over breakfast what we would do. Most of our day would be spent in Harry Potter's world yet we found nothing wrong with that.

We left right on time and drove side by side the entire way down. And maybe having a sing along to the same radio station...

We got to the park at 8:15 thanks to Lucy speeding in an attempt to race Luke for the best parking spot but of course we won. We parked side by side and stepped out and formed a huddle.

"There is to be no pranking on this excursion agreed? If so, the pranker must do whatever the prankee asks of them. No matter what." Rey stated

We all agreed and put our hands in a circle.

"Guys why are we yelling?" I asked. I wasn't sure exhaust everyone did it differently.

"1 2 3 Universal?" Luke suggested.

We nodded putting our hand in a circle.

We screamed it at the top of our lungs and then raced to the gates. We printed our tickets where the boys were 'too lazy' and wanted to get them at the parks. Pf course that meant we got in before them.

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