The interview part 1

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Fenndi: Hey there welcome to "Spill the Tea!!!". I am your host Fenndy Prada. What's Gucci! *she laughed at her own lame ass joke* Alright today we are having one of our famous tell all interviews with....*drum roll in the background* You know them you love them and they just finished their tour... Quartet Night!

* One by one the members of Quartet Night came out and took a seat while the fangirls cheered *

All: Good evening!

Fenndi: Okay guys we'll start off with some small questions for now and then we'll get to the real tea later on in the show. Sooooo first question! What's yours biggest quirk?

Reiji: Hmm oh! I sometimes use mundane items as toys like bottle caps and chopsticks.

Ranmaru: Tch... I get mad when certain words are mispronounced.

Ai: I thought you're biggest quirk was singing the Meow Mix theme song when you thought no one was looking.

*Everyone in the room snickered silently *
Ranmaru: * Blushes in embarrassment *Ai!

Fenndi: Well I can guess what Ai's quirk is...

Reiji, Ranmaru, and Camus: He's brutally honest.

Fenndi: I thought so *She chuckles * and Camus what is your quirk?

Camus: Hmmph I do not have any peculiar habits.

Fenndi: *She looked to the rest of Quartet Night and then at her audience. *Should I play it? * Everyone cheered out yes before she pressed a button on her little remote. Behind them the background scene changed and a song blared out*

Camus: *He blushed in embarrassment* FINE! I tend to eat sugar more than the average person

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Camus: *He blushed in embarrassment* FINE! I tend to eat sugar more than the average person.

Fenndi: *She had a small smirk on her face* That's better. * The background when back to its purple and blue light show and the music stopped * Now how bad is this sugar craving of yours?

Reiji: It gets pretty bad.

Ai: He goes through sugar withdraws.

Ranmaru: He looks like a crackhead after a full week.

Camus: Silence peasant! No I do not! I just a get a little irritable...

Fenndi: We'll be sure to keep the sweets close at hand * She lets out a nervous chuckle * Oh look at that we're going into our first commercial break we'll be right back after these messages.

Ranmaru: Why are we doing this again? *He crossed his arms over his chest *

Reiji: We'll build a stronger connection to our fan if they know more about us!

Ai: If they wanted a stronger connection to us the. They should have gotten a better internet connection.

Reiji: Ahahahha! Ai-Ai you made a joke!

Ai: What?

AN: Hey if you have any questions that you want put in the "interview " just leave a comment for me. I only have one limited and that's to stay away from politics and sensitive topics since this is meant to be a comedy...(and an outlet to let out some smutty scenes)

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