Hint Hint

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Here's a hint on what my next fanfic is going to be about.

Reiji, Syo, Natsuki, Cecil, Tokiya, Ren, Masato and Ai were returning from a long day of work. Each of them have finished the production they were working onto so the staff was kind enough to let them keep the outfits in case they want to dress up for Halloween or something.

"I'm kinda happy and sad that we're done," Natsuki say as he looked down at the space suit he was wearing. "It was fun being on a pretend robot!"

"We'll you didn't see the car we got to drive around in. It was so cool and we got to fight bad guys!" Syo said as he talked about the film.

"Eh I'm kinda glad we can rest..." Reiji chuckled lightly and rubbed his side, "The thought of being shot isn't exactly fun."

Ai rubbed his chest, "Agreed... makeup did too good of a job in effects."

They were about to walk past the piano room till they heard voices coming from it. It seems all the ladies were having a conversation about the upcoming films.

"What did you think of the pirate costumes?" Haruka asked.

"I thought they all looked great as pirates," Tomochika answered.

"Yeah they were kinda cool. Although Pirates isn't exactly a turn on for me." Mai chuckles as she leaned against the surface of the piano.

"I didn't know you had a preference," Tomochika was curious and wanted to know what Mai was into. Who would have thought someone with 6 love interest would only like one certain thing.

"Only when costumes are involved," Mai smirked lightly.

"W-what do you like?" Haruka asked blushing lightly that an innocent conversation took a small turn.

"That's a secret," she teased.

Outside the door, the guys stood there in thought. 'What was Mai into.'

"Well it's obvious she likes cops since we get the handcuffs. Watch a master at work fellas," He opened the door and walked in with confidence.

"Oh Rei-chan you're back from work," Mai smiled but then the look changed when she noticed that he was still in costume. "What are you doing?"

"I'm putting you under arrest for stealing my heart. You have the right to remain beautiful," he hugged her from behind and nuzzled her hair. "Should I interrogate you before or after the strip searched- ow" He back up when she jab him in the side with her elbow.

"I've lawyered up," Mai had a light blush on her face because he chose now to be flirty while she was with her friends.

"Aw man, you're no fun Mai-chan," he had a sad smile on his face.

"Reiji I love you and even though cops aren't my thing, I'll still play along for you. Now is not the time though." Mai answered to help make him feel better.

"Don't mind us really. We might actually get our answer sooner than later," Tomochika answered. "Whoever you leave with tells us what you like."

"I-I don't think it's that simple, Chika!"

"Looks like Kotobuki- senpai is out then," Tokiya said as they observed the scene.

"I'm up next!" Natsuki kinda hopes that she at least thinks his costume was cute. "Hi Mai-chan!" He said as he came in, "We're done with work and they let us keep the costumes. What do you think?"

Mai looked at the yellow, white, and black spacesuit. "Only you can make a power ranger suit look cute and manly at the same time, " She smiled, "You looked wonderful in it," she moved up on her tippy toes and pulled him down slightly so she can kiss his cheek.

"Eh?! How come he gets a kiss and I get a jab in the ribs?" Reiji asked.

"Because he didn't have his "loaded weapon" pressed against me."

"It's not loaded! It's a water gun!"

"Spacemen doesn't seem like Mai's type either," Haruka said.

"It's clear to see what the lady truly likes," Ren said before walking in with confident swagger.

Mai heard a new person walk into the room and looked over to see Ren, walking up to her.

"My lady, do you wish to spend eternity with me? All it takes is one bite," Ren was about to caressed her face but she quickly backed away. He tried again and she did it again. "Hm? What's wrong?" She usually lets him touch her face.

"Don't touch me with that frostbite looking hand of yours!"

His eyes widen in surprise, "It's just make up."

"Well that did a good job with it because it looks like your hand perished in a fire then a blizzard hit it." In the back ground Masato was leaning against the wall laughing out loud.

"You're so cruel to me, my lady."

"I like the red contact lens though..." She said to try to make him feel better.

"Perhaps you should have used the hand that wasn't blackened," Tokiya said as he entered with Cecil.

"She probably would have still mentioned the hand as soon as she saw it," Masato followed in after the two.

"Shut up," Ren gave Masato a look of annoyance. Of all times for her to be her blunt self, she chose to do it now in front of his friends. How embarrassing.

"No need to be harsh, Ren. I'm sure Mai still likes your outfit," Ai said as he finally stepped in. Everyone was startled when they heard a sudden girlish sequel coming from the choreographer.

"Oh my gosh Ai you look amazing!" She quickly circled him before standing in front of him. "Your chest is out and oh you're hair is so different! Can you wear it like that for a few days? Pleeeeease?" She begged him.

Ai blinked in surprise for a moment. For as long as he knew her, he didn't think showing some skin and a change of hairstyle would make her this happy. "Sure..." He was almost knocked down when she thrown herself at him in a hug. "Does this mean you like vampires or just my costume?"

"Both. You look so dark and mysterious, it's attractive," she lightly kissed him, "I'll let you bite me anytime!"

"Is now a good time?" He asked her. Might as well celebrate the victory since she chose him over everyone else today.

She nodded her head before hold his hand and walking to the door. "Ren, you're free to join us after you wash that hand of yours," she called out to him. Ren blushed lightly in embarrassment and calmly walked after them.

"Huh so Mai is into vampires..." Tomochica said as she goes into thought. "It's surprising yet not surprising."

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