Let's Talk About Sex Pt 2

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I'm just going to put only ages 17+ can read this just to clear my consciousness. Personally I know it's not compared to others but this day in age we are being too raw or too sensitive.

Mai sat there in shock after hearing everyone's preference in porn. She looked like she was about say something but nothing came out.

"Remember Mai, you promised no shaming," Ai said.

"Yeah but seriously you guys are twisted!" Mai brought her knees up to her chest.

"That counts as shaming!" Reiji said pointing a finger at her.

"Im just shocked; its not like I'm saying you shouldn't watch chicks with dicks or clown porn or veggies ....or plopping? " She was still seriously judging them in her mind though.

"Stop naming them out loud damn it!" Ranmaru wasn't sure whether or not STARISH was still in the building with them and the last thing he needs is for his juniors to know what kind of things he watched on the laptop.

"Okay okay moving on!" Mai thought about her next question, "Hm Is there anything you want me to improve on in our sex life?"

They guys quickly glanced at each other before silently agreeing, "Your head game."

The dancer's eyes widen and her face turned red, "You guys didn't even think about!!"

"Mai-chan your great at every thing that involves using your body..." Reiji started.

"However, when you try things orally..." Camus turned his head away.

"It feels like we just stuck our dicks into a blender," Ranmaru bluntly finished.

"Too much teeth not enough tongue," Ai said.

She narrowed her green eyes, "Oh you guys have no room to talk when it comes to me using too much teeth," She stood up and pointed to the lower crotch of her shorts. "This is a clitoris not a chew toy!"

"Um should we be listening to this?" The group turned their heads and saw Syo and the rest of STARISH standing at the door with a blush on their faces.

"Get the hell out!" Mai yelled causing the group of on lookers to scramble to the nearest exit. "Ren...Natsuki,"The two that were called froze in place before they can even step foot out the exit, "Stay for a moment." The two walked over to the older group with confused looks on their faces. "On a scale of 1 to 10 how good is my head game?"

The two sweat dropped and avoided to make eye contact with her.

"I would say 1," Natsuki smiled softly, "Because you're always the number one girl in my eyes Mai-chan!"

Mai narrowed her eyes at him, "Natsuki 1 is the lowest score on the scale."

"Heh...heh .... but it's the first number..." At least Natsuki tried to express his opinion in a nice way.

"Ren what about you?" She looked to the strawberry blonde.

"Um....on a scale of 1 to 10 how good is my head game? That's easy 9." He thought he was able to avoid the question but Mai wasn't buying it for a second.

"That's not what I asked you," Mai placed her hands on hips.

"Baby you are good at everything that you do-"

Mai lost her patience, "Ren answer the damn question!"

"One okay! The headless horseman can give head better than you!" Everyone let out a gasp when they actually saw Ren loose his cool. He had a tiring day so the last thing he wanted to hear was Mai yelling but now she's not doing anything.".....Uh oh..."

Mai stood there staring blankly at the wall.

"Ah great now look what you've done!" Ranmaru yelled. He has seen Mai be upset before but not to the point when she becomes a statue.

"Mai come on you know I didn't mean to snap at you like that," Ren walked up to her and tried to get her attention but she remain frozen. He held her shoulders and gently shook her, "Mai I'm sorry!" It's extremely rare to see Ren beg for forgiveness but seeing his dancer possibly broken because of him... it was necessary.

"So it is true.... "Mai finally spoke, "I'm a horrible girlfriend!" She started to cry, "I..I can't even do o-one simple thing r-right! I'm going to lose you guy to a bunch of groupies!"

"Psh as if I would ever stoop so low," Camus said, "I would pick someone with elegance like a figure skater-"

Mai started to cry harder and everyone else narrowed their eyes at the Count, "Not helping Camus."

"Look Mai oral isn't everything and we're not going dump you because you're bad at it," Reiji said and Mai stopped crying.

"R-really?" She wiped her eyes.

"Really... we are not that superficial," Ren leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks guys," Mai took deep calming breaths then smiled a bit. "Wow I don't know where that burst of emotion came from.... I'm usually more thick skinned than that."

"Maybe you're hungry," Natsuki said.

"Or maybe it's that special time of the month," Reiji suggested.

"No, it's not she missed that weeks ago, "Ai said casually and everyone stared at him with wide eyes. "What? I wanted to keep track for her."

"Ai what do you mean I missed my period?" Mai felt her heart raced.

"You missed it this month. I thought you knew so I didn't bother to tell you. Why what's wrong?" Ai tilted his head to the side.

"Someone go to the store and get me a pregnancy test this second !" Mai barked out orders and everyone but Ai scrambled out of the room and to one of the available cars.

The End

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