Interview Part 2

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Fenndi: And welcome back to the show ladies and gentlemen. Earlier Quartet Night has started off wonderfully in opening up to us!
Now let's see what else we can get out of them.

Ranmaru: We're not vending machines lady!

Fenndi: Oh of course not... *She closed her eyes and smiled* you guys are piñatas that I am allowed to beat to get what I want. So states in my little waver Reiji here signed.

Ranmaru/Ai/Camus: Reiji!!!!

Reiji: She was very charismatic.

Fenndi: So let's get started.

*She started off with simple mundane questions like types of food they like and personal hobbies for half an hour. Meanwhile Mai was sitting on the couch with Ren and Natsuki*

Mai: Thanks again for staying up with me so late. I promised Reiji I would stay up late and watch.

Ren: Anytime Lady

Natsuki: I think it's pretty fun that we are getting to know Quartet Night more.

Mai: Yeah but this is stuff I already know already. I waiting for juicy stuff. *She rubbed her hands together in anticipation *

* Back into the talk show*

Fenndi: When did you loose your virginity and where?

*All four males blushed in embarrassment while the female audience screamed in excitement*

Ranmaru: I don't think it's any of your business lady!

Fenndi: It's a tell all talk show on a Friday night. Surely you all knew these kinds of questions were going to come up and not be avoided.

*The four let out different sounds of defeat it almost sounded harmonic.*

Ai: Age a luxury cabin (Read Quartet Dance)

Camus: 17 years old in the master suite bedroom.

Ranmaru: 19 in a bedroom like a normal fucking human being.

Reiji: Well my special day happened at age 16 in the back of the car. A beautiful classic moment.

Ranmaru: Wait did it happen in that green car you are so proud of ?!

Ai: The same one we all rode in?

Reiji: Yep the one and the same!

*Camus, Ranmaru, and Ai all paled then their faces turned into anger*

Camus: You disgusting peasant! Did you even bother to lay a towel down?

Reiji: That would ruin the mood Myu-chan... and it was a looooong time ago so I'm sure I've cleaned it up back there.

*The others lets out sighs of relief *

Reiji: *He looked up at the ceiling and scratched his head in thought* But then again I did do it  in the back and front seat yesterday....

*The other abruptly stood up and ran to the nearest bathroom or the nearest bottle of hand sanitizer.*

Reiji: What?

Fenndi: Um let's just roll into another commercial....

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