Sweet Birthday Wishes to Camus

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A birthday wasn't exactly something Camus goes crazy over. Sure you get gifts and sweet but he can get all that himself. He does write to his mother to thank her for bringing him into the world to serve the Queen every year but other than that birthdays are nothing special. However that was until he started dating Mai Sayami. Now his birthday are the days of having total control. Since the dancer's paychecks are limited, she has to get a bit creative with her gifts to match his taste. Last year, she gave him edible underwear, whipped cream, and sprinkles with a cherry on top so you can imagine what he did with her that night. It was truly a happy birthday indeed.

Today he wanted to see if he could get a hint of what she had plan. Her lips were sealed but he's sure he could get something out of his band mates. Start off with the weak and work your way up. "Kototbuki," he said and walked into the kitchen to find his bandmate finishing up on a cake with Ranmaru. "Ah you're both here, I can kill two birds with one stone."

"What do you want?" Birthday or not Ranmaru is still going to treat the prick the same.

"Information. What has Sayami been up to?" Camus asked firmly.

"I don't know actually. I've seen her with paper and scissors.  Must be for a card." Reiji said as he put the cake in the oven to bake.

"Are you serious?" There's no way his lady would do something as basic as a homemade birthday card. He sighed and left the kitchen to go look for Ai. Perhaps he could shed a little light on this matter. The count made his way to the android's room but stopped when he heard voices coming from the room.

"These actual look realistic..." Ai complimented.

"You don't think they're too big?" Mai asked shyly.

"Does the phrase bigger is better apply to this?"

Camus felt undignified when he evesdropped but this could be the only clue that he has. He moved closer to hear the conversation better.

"May I?"

"Sure touch them all you want. Eventually, you all are going to have these. It's just Camus gets to have them first." Camus's eyes widen when he heard Mai say that. Could she possibly have gotten work done on her body for his birthday?! He loved her body just the way it is now; however, Camus's cheek redden slightly at the thought of his dancer having chest enhancement. He moved away from Ai's door and went to his own room to mentally prepare himself for the birthday evening.

Okay so far nothing unusual happened. He had cake, obnoxious singing from Reiji, and interesting cuff links as a gift from his bandmates. He hasn't seen the dancer at all yet. Later that evening, there was a knock.

"Camus...May I come in?" Camus took a deep breath and readied himself for any alterations that his girlfriend has done to herself. When he opened the door, he was quite surprised and probably relieved that he saw no change on his princess. She just stood their in the usual green and black tank top and skirt. Her black hair was in a ponytail and in her manicured hands was an envelope. "I just wanted to give you your gift before bed. Hope you don't mind." She blushed lightly and presented the envelope to him. "It's nothing extravagant this year but I hope you like it."

He raised an eyebrow and opened his gift. In his hand was what appeared to be a small notebook with a snowflake on the cover. He flipped through it and caught on that it was a well designed coupon book. He got a closer look at it and noticed what was typed in a large font on the different pages. 'This is good for 3 hours of submissive servitude...?' He read the next one, 'Full body dessert platter.'

"It's a personal coupon book. It has all your bedroom preferences on there," She looked down at her feet, "I know it's stupid...I got the idea from Reiji. He said he use to make coupons for his mom to use when he didn't know what to give her for birthdays and mother's day." She quickly explained to him him and got a bit nervous.

"So I give you one of these...and whatever it says on here you have to do without complaint?" He asked so he could get the gist of this.

"Yeah...there's even a no complaining coupon," She rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled. Mai looked up to see the expression on his face, "You hate it, don't you? I should have just did edible underwear!"

"You still can since you typed it down right here," He said with a light smirk. "This is actually cute." Camus said and leaned in to kiss her. He plans to abuse the hell out of this power she bestowed upon him. "I hope your body is ready for the plans I have for it tonight."

"Camus please go easy on me-"She was cut off when he lightly pressed the "No Complaining" coupon against her lips. 'Damn why did I make that a coupon.' She said and put on a smile. "Happy Birthday Camus."

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