Last part of the interview

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Mai: So that's what we do now? Not only is my body out in public like I'm Kim fucking Kardashian .... but now I'm hearing from one of my lover's that I'm a bitch. * She was angry and hurt that she saw all that on the screen*

Ranmaru: M-Mai you know I didn't mean... I like it when you get bitchy...*He ducked out of the way just in time before her shoe almost nailed him in the forehead.*

Camus: I'm appalled than anything because it's not just your skin that was exposed.

Reiji; Yeah now all our fans know what my little Rei-chan looks like!

Mai: I can't  believe you guys said such things about me on live television.... Now everyone is going to think I'm this evil dragon lady that sleeps around ...* She started tearing up*

Reiji: Mai-chan....It doesn't matter what other people think...

Camus: We know who you are and you know who you are...

Ai: You are a kind woman and we love you...

Mai: Awww

Ranmaru: Even when you have your bitch fits- Ack! * Mai grabbed the collar of his shirt roughly and dragged him into the supply closet away from prying eyes.*

Ren: Um you might want to go out there and continue the show.

*Quartet Night minus Ranmaru made there way back on stage.*

Reiji: Everything alright ladies....we just had a bit technical difficulties... yeah that's what happened...

Fenndi: Are you sure? We heard quite a bit of yelling.

Ai: Mai was just upset about what Ranmaru said.

Camus: Now he's being punished for saying such idiotic things.

*The group didn't seemed phased about what could possibly be happening to their friend at this moment *

Ai: We should probably wrap this up soon...

Reiji: Our dearest princess will want to leave after she done with RanRan. * He had his old cheery smile back as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Fenndi: Booo fine. Alright, how was Poison Kiss created?

Camus: It started from a wager for our careers...
Ai: The lyrics were based off of our romantic experiences with our choreographer...

Reiji: And the title came from a prank that went horribly wrong.

Fenndi: * She sweat dropped and looked to the audience * Well looks lie that is all girls-

Mai: Hold it! * Walked on stage with a disorganized Ranmaru in tow. His hair and his clothes were messed up  and he had what looked like "bruises" on his neck.* I have bone to pick with you Ms Prada. I don't remember giving anyone my consent in putting pictures of my body on television. So bitch expect a call from my lawyer for defamation of character. * She turned and walked out the studio with Ren and Natsuki  following behind her.*

Ren: That went  better than I expected.

Natsuki: I was sure that we were going to be arrested for assault!

* Back on stage Fenndi sat in her chair with shock on her face and there was awkward silence before Quartet Night looked at the camera *

All: Good night princesses! * Then they quickly made their way out the studio too*

Ranmaru: We are never doing a talk show again.

The others: Agreed.

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