Happy Bday

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One day Quartet Night was sitting on their tour bus getting ready to return from a long month of concerts and meet and greets. It was pushing close to December 10th so Reiji had addressed the upcoming event.

"What are you guys getting for Mai-chan's birthday?" He was curious about what they were doing this year.

"A laptop that turns into a tablet with the latest stylus." Ai answered. He noticed that the dancer has taken on a new hobby of written and digital art. So he decided to support her in her interests.

"Whaaaa!!" Where did Ai get the money from to give her that? Reiji will never know.

"I'm taking her out for brunch," Camus said as he turn a page to his book.

"Can I come?" Reiji needed a gift so he might as well tag along with Camus's idea.

"If you plan on paying for everyone, yes." Camus can sense that Reiji deflated at the idea of paying for his and their girl's expensive tastes.

Looks like Ranmaru was his only hope, "RanRan you're a cheapskate, what are you doing for her birthday?"

"Oi, I'm not a cheapskate! I just know I'm not expected to spoil with materialistic crap." Ranmaru was laying on the couch trying to nap when Reiji insulted him. "I just need to do something that she knows I would never do for a million of years..."

"Like what?" Reiji tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"None of your business." He answered

"Come on RanRan what are you going to do with Mai on her birthday?!" Reiji needed  to know.

"Letting her sit on my face, now shut up."

"..." Reiji blink a couple of times as he registered what his friend said. "Damn it why didn't I think of that! You know what... I'll just make a video. Problems solved."

AN: I wrote a short fanfic on my birthday. Boom.

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