Battle for the remote

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Ah the lounge area where idols can come in relax, play games, and watch some television. It brings groups together and builds a bond. However, it is also where couples tend to throw down.

"Ranmaru give me the remote!" Mai yelled as she kept reaching for the remote and but Ranmaru continued to pull it out of reach. "Im going to miss my show!" The knew episode of Dancing with the Stars was going to air in about half an hour.

"To bad I want to watch Hell's Kitchen!" Ranmaru likes the show for their meat dishes and he enjoyed watching the Host curse at everyone for being idiots. "You should have had it prerecorded."

"I can't the list is full of the Adventures of Piyo-chan, The King of Fighting, and Housewives of Tokyo." It would be mess up to delete a few episodes just to make room for her. "Why can't you watch your show on the computer?"

"And have my video go through the buffering process 20 times? Hell no."

"Fine if you won't give me the remote, I'll just do this," She went up to the T.V and started flipping the through the channels by hand. She was stopped when a strong arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her away from the T.V.

" Just because I won't give you the remote doesn't mean you get to change the channel." Ranmaru flipped it back to his channel by using the remote.

"Then I guess I'm going to have to take it," She jumped up and smacked his hand causing the remote to fly into the air and into her hand. "Ha!" She changed the channel to what she wanted it.

"Hey! Give it back!"

"No!" She quickly the remote away from him. Ranmaru tried grabbing her wrist so he can pull the remote close to him. "Grr let go!" She struggled to get his hands off her.

"You let go!"

"Fine I will," She flung the remote to the other side of the room. The two glared at each other for a moment before diving for the remote...And that's how it turns into a wrestling match that destroys everything around them.

Masato, Ren, and Ai were returning from shooting Bloody Shadow but they stopped in the doorway when they saw Mai on top of Ranmaru's back tugging at his hair.

"Should we stop them?" Ren asked as he watched his senpai roll around on the floor to shake Mai off him.
"No they're fine...They do this all the time... ever since they first met," Ai said as he watch the two play tug of war for the remote control. "They'll stop eventually."

"That does not look like a heathy relationship."Masato was a bit concerned that someone was going to get hurt at this rate.

"Oh that's just how they express their love!" Reiji said as he and Syo approached them. They have just finished working on their movie Every Buddy! "It's kinda like an aggressive mating ritual for them that ends with make up sex."

"Get off of me you bastard!" They heard the dancer yell.

"Bitch just give me the damn remote!" They heard Ranmaru.

"That does not sound like love " Syo had a dead pan expression on his face, "That sounds like a domestic violence case."

"Oh come on, RanRan wouldn't hit her."

"Ow you hit me in the boob!" Mai cried out.

"You kicked me in my nuts so we're even."

"Okay maybe he wouldn't hit her in the face with malicious intent," Reiji chuckled nervously.

"You would make a terrible lawyer..." Ai said.

Suddenly the chaotic noises grew louder. The guys looked into the room to see stuffing flying all over the place. Mai and Ranmaru were hitting each other with sofa pillows now.

"They're making a mess," Masato said.

"Love is always a messy affair," Ren commented.

"Ringo and Ryūya usually makes them clean up after their fights," Reiji informed the juniors.

"How many times do they fight?" Syo asked.

"Too many to count," They looked down the hall to see Camus was walking down the hall. "And the cause of all their fights were always something meaningless like control over the music or who gets the last window seat, or using up all of the milk."

"That sounds so petty and childish, " Masato founded it hard to believe that his senpai would get into such fights with a female.

"Hm from the looks of it their fights are getting less intense," Camus said after looking inside.

"You call that last intense?!" Syo exclaimed. The room looked like a stampede occurred in there.

"Compared to how they were before...yes."

"Oh remember that time when Mai took the radio antenna and started hitting him with it," Reiji chuckled, "He could sit down for three days after that."

"I remember Ranmaru smashing a pie in her face," Ai said, "She had to throw away her favorite shirt that day."

"And lets not forget the plunger incident," Camus said and all three of them shuddered.

"What plunger incident?" Ren was curious about what the two did that involved a toilet plunger.

"You don't want to know," All three senpai's said.

"Ugh I can't stand you sometimes!" They heard Mai said.

"Then sit down."

The group heard a muffled thump and grew a bit concerned about what happened next in there. They peeked inside and saw Mai sitting on edge of the pool table with Ranmaru standing between her legs. The couple was locked in a heated and passionate kiss.

"Make up sex?" Syo asked Reiji to confirm the seniors assumption of how the fights always ended.

Ranmaru gently laid Mai on to her back as he kissed down her neck. Her hands entangled into his silver hair and tugged at his black t-shirt.

"Make up sex." Reiji said before grabbing the door handles and closing the door to give the two their privacy.

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