Happy Birthday Ren

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AN: Hopefully by the time you read this it's Valentine's Day.

Mai was working with Quartet Night in the dance room when a random thought came to her. "Hey guys what day is it?" She asked them .

"February 14th," Ai answered, "Why?"

"Oh shit..." She couldn't believe that she forgot one of the most special days of the year.

"You forgot to it was Valentines Day today....again," Ranmaru knew that look she gets when she knew she forgot about something important.

"No I gave up on that holiday a two years ago. I forgot it was Ren's Birthday today!" The other guys stared at her in disbelief.

"You're telling me you forget to make us chocolates on purpose?!" Reiji just thought she was too busy but it never occurred to him that she just gave up on them.

"You guys eat milk chocolate and caramel almost everyday. So I found no reason to give you sweets on Valentine's Day."

"Mai, let's not confuse box of chocolates with your 'chocolate box' today please," Ai said.

"I want some actual chocolates this year woman," Camus can always get his own chocolate but free chocolate is the best kind.

"Why do you guys seem so butt hurt about this? Isn't Ren's day of birth more important than chocolates?" She looked amongst the men in the room.

They looked at each other till they all said at the same time...."No."

"Well fuck you then!" She stormed to the door.

"That would be better than getting nothing for Valentine's Day!" Ranmaru yelled out.

"Then your gift will only last as long as a Vine then!" She yelled back before running away.

"Good! Wait what's a Vine?" Ranmaru looked to Ai.

"A Vine is a video that only last 6 seconds," the android answered trying his best to hide his laughter behind his hand.

"Hahaha! I just got the insult!" Reiji burst into fits of laughter, "She just said you only last as long as a 6 second video!"

"Oi! Mai take that back!" Ranmaru ran after the dancer.

While this was all happening Ren sat in the recreation room by himself. He finished spending his birthday with is wonderful friends. However, he wondered if his lady even remembered what today was. His thoughts were disrupted when Mai came running into the room like a bat out of hell.

Mai was trying to catch her breath and collapsed on the couch next to him, "H-hey birthday boy..."

"What happened to you?" Ren asked her.

"Nothing to worry about...." She ran a hand through her hair. "So how do you want to spend the rest of your birthday?"

"I'm not sure... I'm just glad you're here," He wasn't really crazy about what happens on his birthday but that doesn't mean he wants to spend it alone.

"Then let's just enjoy each other's company... just you and me...-"


"And the rest of  Quartet Night..." Mai facepalmed and groaned out.

"That sounds like quite the wild party..."Ren chuckled and leaned back on the couch with his arm wrapped around her waists.

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