In the mind mansion of RoughDiamond

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In the green room in the mind of the author Starish, Quartet Night, and Heavens were simply hanging out on the red sofas with the Original Characters of fan fictions past and present. There was no awkwardness or tension between anyone. They all seemed like good friends that finished filming their movies together.

"I'll admit, the cop one has potential," Mai said to simply strike up conversation with the group. "If only we knew where that story is going."

Maya rubbed the back of her neck, "Yeah it's really hard for me to figure out my motive and how to accomplish it."

"Just stay loose and we'll get through this together, Okay?" Reiji said with a smile, "We got the ball rolling and that's what matters."

"That worst that could happen is if the story flops like Shadow Rose or Miracle at-"Ranmaru was quickly cut of by Mya Rue.

"Let's. Not. Even. Go. There," Mya Rue was a bit upset with how unpopular the vampire story was. How could she be below the Ouran fanfic.

"At least the story did a bit better on AO3," Eiji said as he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder , "4 Comments, 9 kudos, 208 hits, that's not bad."

"At least you didn't get your story removed from Fanfiction. Net for being to risqué, like some people, " Kara commented as she glanced over at Mai.

"8 climaxes was too good to be harassed by the self righteous and relabeled as something to report on sight," Mai argued. She was still a bit bitter about having the first single lemon be removed. How petty could a person be to ruin a fanfic for everyone else because of parents and their children. What is this, YouTube?

Ai had to step in because there was a slight tension between Mai and Kara, "Without that story, the stories after it would still be bland vanilla because of the fear to try. At least it was well accepted on Wattpad and Archive of Our Own."

"Not as well loved as Supernova..." Kara crossed legs as she spoke in a sing song tone. "8 comments, 23 kudos, and 912 hits," She had a two way fist bump with Eiji and Tokiya. Currently, Supernova is the most popular amongst the stories on Rough Diamond's AO3.

Mai leaned back in her seat, "Bitch gets 2k reads, 164 votes, and a few people slipping it in their libraries on Wattpad, thinks she's running shit?" She raised her hand to hide her laugh. "How cute...Newsflash, you started at 392 reading ch.1 and dwindled down to 49 at the end of the story. You still have ways to go if you aim to complete with me. 899 views on is a mere rain drop to my 8 and 14k. Where's your sequel honey?" Sometimes you have to read to make sure a new book stays on their shelf. It quiet Kara that's for sure. Mai was the first Oc with a firm following. People still laugh as they read the lines from Quartet Dance. She will be respected and not let new hot shot Oc's for this fandom try to shade her.

"Now that...was funny to watch," Nagi said

Syo tilted his fedora over his eyes a bit to hide from this heated discussion, "Um maybe we need some sweetness to counter all the spice. Has anyone seen Otoya and Naomi?" Everyone looked over to the corner to see the two giggling and whispering in each other's ears.

"You two mind sharing with the rest of the room," Mya Rue called out getting the two's attention.

"Oh we were just talking about the fun adventures our story could have had," Naomi said with a smile. Her story was a fun kick off to drama cd fanfics so she felt accomplished and satisfied. While Mai and Kara are Oc's to main storyline and feel like they're in competition. Naomi, Mya Rue, and Maya were part of the Drama CDs so there wasn't really much fight between them.

"You know, Im still waiting for us to have a full main storyline part," Yamato said, "I'm tired of being a cameo.

"Patience, there's not really too much to work with so it takes time and research," Van said. "Let's not forget the other fandoms coming in here."

"I did see the west wing under construction, kinda exciting," Ren commented, "And we get a break."

Ah they will but not now. Mai's phone beeped to alert messages. "Uh oh..." she said as she  read her phones then stood up.

"Ren...Camus, Let's go. We have to do prepwork for Lemonade," She said before walking to the door.

"About time, I've been getting no love and affection," Ren said as he stood up.

"Oh hush, there are other characters with no attention at all." Camus said as the three of them leave together.

AN: Is this what goes on in my head for real? Lol I'm probably insane.

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