The interview part 4

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-Previously on Spill the Tea-
Fenndi: I have my ways now answered my questions. Who is this mystery woman's that you're always around.

Ai: That is Mai our choreographer and close friend.

Fenndi: Ooo you guys seem very fond of her. Are you sure she is just a friend?

Reiji: She is just a really close friend.

Fenndi: That you have sex with on a car?

Reiji: *picked up the phone * Hello?

Mai: * She was sitting on the couch staring angrily at the tv with Ren and Natsuki * You better give me a good excuse as to why my ass is all over tv!

Reiji: M-Mai -chan I can explain! I didn't know that we were being watched.

Camus: Saymi you know I would never purposely let such images be leaked out-

Mai: Save it! I'm coming down there! Natsuki start the car! *she hung up the phone*

Reiji and Camus: ..........

-Back to the show-

Fenndi: Oooooooo...

Ranmaru: She is going to kill you two on live T.V.

Ai:  Hm I wonder if we can find two back up members for our group.

Reiji: Ai-Ai! Don't say things like that! * He ran a hand through his hair. He knows Mai won't do anything drastic in front of the cameras but she sounded so mad over the phone.*

Fenndi: This Mai character sounds like a lovely woman.

Ai: She is....

Reiji: On a good day...

Ranmaru: Any other day she's a bitch

* The other guys gasped and stared at him with wide eyes*

Reiji: RanRan are you insane?!

Ranmaru: What? It's not like she's watching T.V right now. She is too busy thinking of the different ways she can torture you two.

Camus: She can live stream this from her cellphone you dumb peasant.

Ai: And if it's not from her phone, she's definitely hearing this through the radio in the car.

Ranmaru: * His eyes widen and you can see some sweat start to come down from his forehead.*

Fenndi: Looks like Reiji and Camus aren't the only one that are in the dog house. Might as well tell us everything before she gets here and puts a muzzle on you guys. * She chuckles and crosses her legs * So tell us what's she's like? You're choreographer must be special to attract all four of your attention.

Camus: You can say something like that...She's firm but fair.

Reiji: Can be fun to have around.

Ai: She listens and understands.

Ranmaru: She's great in bed. *The other idol raised and eyebrow at him and him a look that said,"Really Dude, Really..."* Hey we might as well be truly honest since they seen pictures and are well aware of how close we are to her. * The others nodded in agreement *

Camus: She's definitely a passionate lover.

Ai: They were not incorrect when they say Sagittarius are one of the best to have in bed.

Reiji: She could've fooled me when she said she's never made love before. Our first time was magical.

Fenndi: So you were her first?

Reiji: Yeah, Originally it was just her and me secretly dating but I didn't know that my friends started developing feelings for too.

Fenndi: So she cheated on you?

Reiji: No...well...technically yes because I saw her kiss Ranmaru but we fixed everything in the end and she told me truth.

Fenndi: Hmm I don't know from what I'm seeing she doesn't sound like a woman that wants to commit.

Ai: She is... Mai was away in another country for two years and never taken in another lover without our consent. She is the most dedicated person I know.

Audience: Awwww

Fenndi: What about you guys? Have you taken on any other lover's when she left?

All: Never.

Camus: Adding other women is way more dangerous than adding other men.

Ai: Sure our testosterone  tends to clash every now and then over Mai but it doesn't get violent. If  we bring in another girl...

Ranmaru: A catfight will occur sooner or later and it won't be pretty.

Fenndi: So Mai is a violent woman.

Reiji: Oh no no no.... Violence isn't her go to option to solving problems.

Mai: Move the hell out of my way!! *Crashing sounds were heard from back stage*

All: Run! *They got up and before the made it to their escape route Ren and Natsuki stood in their way.*

Ranmaru: Move out of the way!

Ren: Sorry senpais

Natsuki: Mai-chan's orders.

Mai: So you think I'm a bitch Ranmaru....

Ranmaru: Shit....

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