Let's Talk About Sex Baby!

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This was something I wanted to add in Dancing with the STARISH but  it seemed kinda like a random dirty moment in our characters lives. At least now I can put it in this pile of random short Uta Pri fanfics.

It was the afternoon and Mai was enjoying her free time with the guys. She was laying on one couch reading a magazine.Ranmaru and Ai sat on the other couch enjoying the peace. Lastly, Camus was sitting in a chair sipping over sweetened tea. But where is Reiji?

"Mai-chan!" The dancer quickly moved her legs out of the way before Reiji landed on them, when he jumped over the couch and landed on the cushion.

"Yes Reiji?" Her eyes never left the magazine and the other guys only glanced at him for a moment. By now they were use to his antics so not a lot of things phase them. Mai felt Reiji lift up one of legs and massage her foot. Good thing she chose to wear shorts.

He gently kissed up her leg, "I want you..." he murmured against her skin as he moved high and higher. It's been months since he had free time with her. Months since he last felt her body against his. Hell let's be real, its been months since he last had sex with her. His brown eyes glance at her shorts then they locked onto his target. However, before he had a chance to kiss it, her hand got in the way.

"No Reiji," she said and went back to reading a saucy article in the women's magazine.

"But Mai, I'm horny!" He moved so he was laying on top of her.

"We really didn't need to know that, " Ranmaru muttered.

"No means no darling,"She said then set the magazine down to give him her full attention.

Reiji let's out a small groan and rested his head on her chest. "Fine." This may not be the kinda action he wanted but at least he can be close to her.

"Hmm..." She gently petted his brown hair and then she was hit with inspiration from her magazine. "How about instead of having sex.... we just talk about it." The males in the room looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Excuse me?" Camus said as he sets his tea down on the table.

"Yeah I'm serious," She sat up on the couch, causing Reiji to sit up as well. "We never really had a chance to actually talk about it. We always just ...do it."

"Guys don't talk about sex with girls." Ranmaru crossed his arms, "We just ask for it."

"As vulgar as he articulated it... Kurosaki is right. This is not a topic that ladies and gentlemen discuss to each other." Camus said

"Well now we're going to be discussing about it," She crossed her legs and looked around the room. "How are you ever going to know what I like?"

"She has a point. This might actually be easier to ask rather than play the guessing game," Ai said. For him it's not awkward, it will actually be like doing a scientific research on Mai herself.

"Wait a minute! I want  to establish some rules of safety before we have this conversation," Reiji rare shows off his serious side in front of Mai so it captured her interest.

"Um okay what do you have in mind?" Mai asked.

"This should be a safe space so anything that is
said in this room stays between us..." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"Also no shaming in any way shape or form," He said firmly. Everyone was thinking the same thing, Their Reiji has some stories to tell.

"Okay deal,"Mai said and even shook hands on it. "Now, where do you guy want to start off?" She asked them as she placed her hands in her lap.

"Who's your favorite to have in bed?" They all asked at the same time and the question caused her to sweatdrop.

"U-uh well... um I mean you guys are all equally talented because you are all unique." She hoped that would satisfy them but it didn't.

"You're not going to hurt anyone's feelings just tell us," Ranmaru said. If it's not him then he wants to improve but if he was her favorite he can rub it in Camus's face.

"Ah... um well I do like..." She mumbled out the name but Quartet Night didn't really catch that.


"Natsuki okay! I like sleeping with Natsuki ."

"What?!" They expect Ren or Ai but they never guessed the tall Piyo loving blonde.

"Yes, he's encouraging, talkative, and fun." Mai played with a lock of her hair, "And the sweet ones are most of the time the most freakish in bed."

"Oh come on that's not true! I'm roommates with the most sweetest innocent guy in this building and I doubt he would do weird things." Reiji said then paused for a moment as he started to second guess himself. "Right?"

"Well yeah Otoya-kun is sweet and he LOOKS innocent but I bet if you check his Internet history you're going to find some crazy porn on there," Mai felt very sure of herself about her theory on sweet guys.

"Otoyan doesn't watch porn!" Reiji was on the defensive side.

"Have you ever checked?" Ai asked.

"Almost every young guy watches porn. That's like sex education studies for the final exam, " Ranmaru said.

"Okay we're getting off topic," Camus intervened.

"No we're still talking about sex," Camus narrowed his eyes at Mai and she lets out a nervous chuckle. "Well speaking of porn...what is or was your favorite to watch?"

"..." Silence filled room since no guy would want to share that kind of information with their girlfriend.

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