Tied up

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((I realized I only had a sex scene for two guys in my fanfics. Like WTF you guys deserve fan service from everyone else!))
Darkness. That's what was all Mai saw at this moment. 'Ugh what happened ...?'she slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was in her room that's one good thing. Then she felt the cold air on her bare body, 'Okay I'm naked... What did I do?'. The dancer tried to move her hand but she couldn't, since they were tied to the headboard. 'Which asshole did I sleep with?!' Who would be this mess up to leave her tied up for hours??? Was it Ren? 'No... he wouldn't leave me like this even if he was in that mood.' Was it Camus? 'I feel too sore for it to be him. Plus I did nothing to anger him.'
Her thoughts were disturbed when her heard a low groan and arm tightening around her waist. When she saw those blonde locks on the top of his head as he snuggled into her chest, she was surprised. 'N-Natsuki?!' Her sweet tall Natsuki was the reason why her body hurts and why she was still tied to the bed?
Mai started to gain back some memories of last night.They were coming back from a date and she was a little bit drunk. The two went to her room and made out for a bit till... She knocked his glasses off.

'Damn it...I'm such an idiot. Of course it would be Satsuki to do this to me...' She took a deep breath and tried to work on the knot that bounded her hands. The last thing she needed was to wake him up. She tugged at her restraints a few times till the loosen.

"Where do you think you going," Satsuki's voice whispered huskily in her ear.

"I'm going to cuss you out for leaving me tied up." She grumbled and looked over at him.

"I didn't hear you complaining last night," he left a trail of lazy kisses down her neck, causing her to squirm underneath him. "All I kept hearing was my name and fuck me harder." He smirked when he saw the blush on her face.

" Just shut up and untie me."

"No." He sat up and got out of bed, finding the glasses on the floor.

"You're not going to leave me like this are you?"

He slid his boxers on and ran a hand through his hair. "I might, but Natsuki won't. It's been fun, Mai." He slipped the glasses on and our lovable Natsuki has returned.

He surveyed the scene and tilted his head, "Did we try something new?"

The choreographer chuckled , "Yeah something like that. Now... can you get me out of here?"

"Sure thing Mai-chan!" the tall blonde moved over to her and untied her before  pulling her into a hug. "Did I hurt you?"

"N-no I'm fine..." she may have a couple of marks on her but it was nothing a bath couldn't fix.

"Are you sure? You can get back at me if you want...I'll be the one tied up and you can do what you want with me." He had a small blush on his face.

"Aww you know what... I'll take you up on that offer." She leaned up and kissed him.

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