Christmas special

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AN: The humor may or may not be too mature for a young audience. Just be warned that I may throw in a sex toy or an OOC moment because of all the Uta Pri Crack I watch on YouTube.

It was Christmas Eve and Mai gathered in the living room with her love slaves- I mean boyfriends, Quartet Night. Ren and Natsuki are spending time with their friends and they promised to be with  her tomorrow. Of course she didn't mind, actually she encouraged since dealing with all six of them in one room is quite straining on her part. Anyway, right now they are  doing gift exchanges. To make things easier on the audience and the writer, Mai bought each member a gift with some help while Quartet Night had to get her a gift with out help.

"What the hell is this?" Ranmaru said has he held up a bottle of lotion with no label on it.

"It's banana scented lotion," Mai told him, "I thought you would like it since you thought bananas were perfect and all." She got help from Ai and Reiji in making this lotion instead of going to Bath and Body Works

"Tch...just because I like them doesn't mean I want to smell like them." Ranmaru muttered out.

"A simple 'thank you Mai I love my gift,' wouldn't kill ya!" Mai crossed her arms over her chest.

The silvered hair male let's out a small groan, he hated it when she gets upset, "Thank you Mai..."

"That's better," she smiled at him then her attention moved to Camus.

"Oh...a decorative snowflake.... Thank you?" Camus raised and eyebrow at her as he thought, 'Why did she give me this?!' Of course he believed that he deserved a much more extravagant gift than a simple handmade snowflake.

"Lick it." Mai told him.

"What?" He didn't take her seriously.

"Just do it."

Camus rolled his eyes and gave the edge of the snowflake a gentle flick of his tongue. His eyes widen when he tasted something sweet sugar instead of plastic or glass.

"Surprise! I made a snowflake out of sugar for you!" Mai got this idea when she was surfing the web and saw a video of a family making candy skulls for their Day of the Dead celebration. Although instead of making skulls she just made a snowflake to give to her Ice Idol. "Just don't try to eat it all at once or by itself.... the last thing we need is an idol with type two diabetes."

Camus was happy but he also felt insulted that she assumed he would be such a glutton with his gift. "Thank you Saymi."

Ai was next to open his gift. A part of him didn't really care about the ritual of gift exchanges but another part of looked forward to see what sort of gift Mai got for him. He opened the small box and tilted his head when he saw a little circular device with three buttons on the bottom attached to a key chain. "What is this?" Ai asked as he took the item out of the box.

Mai smiled at him, "Well remembered when you told me you never had a pet of any kind growing up?" Ai nodded his head. "Since you can't get a live animal, I got you a digital one. Meet your Tamagotchi!" The dancer was on a budget so she couldn't get him a robotic pet or the Nintendo Dog game for the DS.

"So how does it work?" Ai asked her as he started pressing one of the buttons. The little music chimed out as the game turned on.

"Just press random buttons, "Reiji said, "That's what my little sister did."

"Alright Rei-chan, it's your turn." Mai said

Reiji wasted no time with ripping off the paper and tossing the lid to the side to reveal his gift. What was inside was and envelope and in that envelope was a gift card, "Mai-chan!" He exclaimed, "How did you know?"

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