Is she cheating?!

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Today Natsuki was walking through the large hallway. He had just finished doing a photoshoot with puppies! It was the best job he has done so far today. Each puppy actually reminded him of his friends in someway. (Well except for Cecil). Some were energetic like Otoya and Syo while others were relaxed or aloof like Ren, Tokiya, and Masato. In the end they were all so cute! Natsuki stopped by a cracked open door when he heard voices that sounded familiar...

"Stop, we shouldn't..." a feminine voice said.

'That's Mai-chan's voice...' The blonde thought. He knew better than eavesdrop but he was curious about who his special girl was talking to...

"This is wrong...." Mai said.

"But it feels right to me..." A familiar male's voice said.

'T-Tokiya-kun?!' Now the tall blonde what dying to know what is going on in that room. He peeked through the gap of the door and saw Tokiya's back and he was slightly standing in front of Mai.

"If we get caught..." Mai rubbed the side of her arm.

"We won't..."Tokiya placed his hands on her shoulders so that she was looking at him in the eyes. "We've done it before remember? And it was probably one of the most passionate nights you ever had."


'What?! Mai-chan was with Tokiya-kun on the side?!' Natsuki couldn't believe what he was hearing. Not only is she cheating on him she is cheating on Ren and Quartet Night! 'She promised no more men...' he thought sadly. 'And I didn't know Tokiya-kun saw Mai-chan that way.'

"Please be mine for this moment..." Before Mai had a chance to speak, Tokiya gently held her face in his hands and leaned down.

"Oh my gosh!" Natsuki exclaimed before quickly covering his mouth and running off down the hall, "It's true... Mai is cheating..."

"So Masato-san do you understand the tricks to stage kissing?" Mai asked as she looked at the bluenette sitting on the sofa.

"So Ichinose-kun just placed his thumbs over your lips so that he's kissing his own hands not you?" Masato asked. He was in a play and he didn't want to actually kiss the leading actress. Since Mai was in musical theater and Tokiya knows a lot about acting, he decided to come to them.

"Yes just angle it right so the audience doesn't see where you hands went," Tokiya.

"That was exceptional acting Tokiya-san," Mai complimented.


In the recreational room Reiji was playing pool with Ranmaru and Ai while Ren and Camus played darts. Suddenly, Natsuki burst into the room in tears.

"Natsuki what's wrong? Did something bad happen?" Ai asked, trying to be a concerned senpai.

"I-I saw Mai-chan in a room w-with Toki..." Natsuki started speaking but it was hard to get the words out.

"Natsuki, breath," Ren said as he placed a hand on the other male's shoulder. "What did Mai and Tokiya do?"

"They were talking ... and...and..." Fresh tears started to come again, "They were kissing!"


"I must be going deaf in my mature age," Reiji let out a small chuckled as he checked his ears, "I could have sworn you said that you saw Toki kissing our Mai-chan."

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