Spooky Scary Sex part 1

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AN: Haha finally did a Halloween story!

Fear and Sex actually have things in common. They are both matters of the mind that can cause your body to have a physical reaction. People go to haunted houses for a temporary fix just like people going to mixers or brothel house. We all need fear and we all need sex because it reminds up that we are alive with feelings.

January: Camus usually gets his way, right? So why isn't his lover coming to his room when he demands it? He took her to dinner, flattered her, hell he even shared cake with her. As soon as they returned to the penthouse, he tried seducing her only to be told, "Camus I'm tired." It was Saturday, Mai never gets tired on a weekend.

February: It was Ren's birthday/ Valentines day and that usually means mind blowing birthday sex. There's usually Music, flowers, perfume, body lotion the whole works but today there was nothing. Just a loving birthday card and a kiss on the cheek before disappearing down the hallway.

March: Ai rarely initiates sex. Mai usually just initiates and every falls into place from there. Usually it falls into place on his desk. Today he wanted someone to replace the technology that rested on his lap. He followed the usual protocol. He kissed her neck, move his hands along the curves of her body, tell her that he needed her. Whelp all that when down the drain when she said, "Good Night, Ai." Then turned went to sleep in his bed. Strange, it usually works. Did he make calculation error?

June: It's summer and Natsuki was having fun playing at the beach with his beloved dancer. The two piece yellow swimsuit that he got her looked so cute on her. He couldn't stop glancing at the little Piyo-chan picture that was placed on her right bottom cheek. When the sun started to set, they were alone and he was ready to please. However, nothing happened because he knew she wasn't in the mood. She kept moving his hands away from the strings that kept the swimsuit together.

July: Reiji was well seasoned when it comes to sex so he knew the ins and outs of a woman's body. He was Mai's first so he knows what gets her in the mood by now. He is still young so he still has the drive to do anything and everything to get them both to an orgasm. However, it's hard to do that when your partner is never in the mood anymore. She tells him no every time. He tried being somewhat subliminal with asking by leaving his favorite brand of condoms around her room. Every time she found one, she confronts him and throws it at his face... in front of his bandmates.

September: Nothing gets a woman going like feeling the vibrations of the amplifier as Ranmaru plays the bass. That's was usually what Mai does every time she comes in on his private jame session. She purposely wore a short skirt so he can see how excited he makes her whenever he struck a chord. This of course leads to some pretty rough sex. Today she did come to his room to listen to his music but she didn't sit on his amp; she just laid on the bed. That was new. After he was done with his base he got on top of her to see if she was at least into the mood. Mia just responded, "I have a headache." What the hell?!

It was October and no one was getting laid. They noticed the different behaviors their fellow man was showing. Camus was eating sugar more than usual. Ren looked like an irritated caged predator. Ai was had a resting bitch face and became sarcastic. Satsuki shows up silently and unexpectedly. Reiji and Ranmaru had become tense with pent up stress building up. It was time to address this.

"Has anyone noticed how Mai is not..." What's the right word for Ren to use at this moment.

"Putting out? Oh yeah we noticed," Ranmaru was slouched on the couch. "She hasn't touched me in months."

"There's something we have in common. I feel insulted that she doesn't want to have me." Camus commented before sipping his cup of diabetes- I mean tea.

"I wanna get laaaaaaaaaaaid!" Reiji was rolling on the carpet.

"Get in line, Reiji," Ai said as he flipped through his phone.

"We should talk to Mai about this," Natsuki recommended.

"Talk to me about what?" Mai said as she walked into the room with bags of Halloween candy.

"About you not desiring to have sexual intercourse with us," Ai said it bluntly.

"Oh? Is that all?" She tilted her head to the side. This careless response floored all the men in the room. " I guess it was going to be sooner or later till you all noticed."

"Try almost 10 freaking months!" Ranmaru yelled.

"Why would you do something as cruel as hold back your physical love from us," Ren asked her. If this behavior keeps up it will be a full year without having sex with her and it kinda nerved him.

"Because I'm bored." That last word struck them like a hot knife. How could a woman with 6 different type of lovers become bored with sex?! "Let me elaborate...I love you all dearly but I just think sex has become a goal that we already achieved. I want more. I want to be stimulated mentally before physically." She said before leaving.

"Hm okay that's fair," Ren said thoughtfully as he processed what he said.

"I suppose our methods have been routined by now," Ai said before he began looking through coma-sutra websites.  "How does one sexual stimulate a woman mentally?"

"Talk about sex but not actually do anything about it," Reiji said then looked up at the ceiling. "I still couldn't figure that out."

"Hm they say we should ask her about her sexual fantasies..."Ai said as he read the article. "Also try not to force sex let the sexual tension build up."

"Are there any faster methods that guarantee a happy ending,"Ranmaru can't just sit around and talk about sex for another few months only for the possibility of success.

"Hm fantasies..." Camus said softly before standing up. "I have an idea that can satisfy us all before this month ends." Everyone, even Ranmaru, was all ears.
"You want to go where on Halloween?" Mai asked to make sure she heard Natsuki and Ai correctly.

"We want to go to the haunted house that they are holding at the Academy," Ai repeated himself again.

"Please can you come with us Mai-chan? It will be lots of fun!" Natsuki smiled brightly at her.

"I don't know...Haunted houses aren't my thing..." She began but then she say Natsuki's shimmering green eyes. Mai let out a sigh and gave in, "Until tonight." She was pulled into a tight hug and she couldn't help but chuckle. What's the worst that can happen at a school haunted house?

Later that evening Natsuki, Ai, and Mai we're leaving the school after going through fake celerity zombies and a thriller dance to close it off. It was actually pretty fun. The fun ended when they walked out into the night and two bright lights shone on their eyes.

"Get in the car!" A male disembodied voice ordered and it sounded demonic.

"Run for it!" Mai yelled.

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