Interview part 3: Going south.

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Fenndi: So guys mind explaining these pictures. * She motioned to the monitor and it presented four pictures of them spending time with their choreographer Mai*

Ranmaru: How the hell did they get those ?!

Fenndi: I have my ways now answered my questions. Who is this mystery woman's that you're always around.

Ai: That is Mai our choreographer and close friend.

Reiji: She has been with us since ever since we started to be a group. She helped us with the dance moves to our first song and the rest was history.

Camus: She is difficult to deal with but she gets the job done.

Fenndi: Ooo you guys seem very fond of her. Are you sure she is just a friend/ coworker?

* The audience leaned in anticipation however Quartet Night remained silent. *

Reiji: She is just a really close friend.

Fenndi: That you have sex with on a car * The monitor changed and the crowd gasped when they saw Mai and Reiji having a passionate moment on the hood of his car when they thought no one was around to see them*

Reiji: * His face turned red * H-hey how did you film that?! * he stood up and tried to block the picture *

Camus: You fool! You didn't even have the decency to go indoors.

Fenndi: Someone's being a hypocrite * the screen changed to Camus and Mai going skinny dipping in a lake in the middle of the night. Then of course had a passionate make out session.*

Reiji: Waaah! * he scrambled away from the screen at the sight of the Count's pale behind glistening in the moonlight *

Camus: *He was mortified as he thought that he could never show his face in public again.*

Ranmaru: Tch. You two have no shame. Screwing around should be done behind closed doors.

* At this moment Reiji's phone went off *
Reiji: Oh I'm sorry I thought I turned this off...

Fenndi: Oh it's okay please answer it! Actually put it in speaker!

Reiji: *picked up the phone * Hello?

Mai: * She was sitting on the couch staring angrily at the tv with Ren and Natsuki * You better give me a good excuse as to why my ass is all over tv!

Reiji: M-Mai -chan I can explain! I didn't know that we were being watched.

Camus: Saymi you know I would never purposely let such images be leaked out.

Mai: Save it I'm coming down there! Natsuki start the car! *she hung up the phone*

Reiji and Camus: ..........

Fenndi: Oops looks like we spilled too much tea....

AN: Anyone want to finish my paper lol happy thanksgiving everyone.

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