9. Coincidence

90 15 2

~9 November 2016~

Let's Fight Ghost OST - 우연한 일딜

Author's POV

Narae goes back to Korea with her fluttering heart and start her freshly college life while waiting for Woohyun.

Meanwhile Woohyun is on preparation for his leaving and continues his activities.






[A month later]

Narae's POV

"Narae eonnie!!" Mijoo calls.

"Mijoo-ya!!" I smile.

This girl is Lee Mijoo. I met her on the first day of collage and she's 1 year younger than me. We enter the same major so we get along well.

"Don't you have part time job today?" I ask.

"Yeah, I have.. But.. I need help.." she says as she fidgets.

"Help? From me?" I ask as I point to myself.

"Yeah.. You know.. My director asks me to recruit some model or someone who can paticipate on his project." she explains.

"Ah..." I nod.

"Do you have time today eonnie?" she asks with her begging eyes.

"Okay, okay.. Leggo!!" I say as I drag her.

"Yeay!! Thankyou eonnie!!" she says as she cheers and skipping.







"Good afternoon!!" Mijoo cheers.

"Ah, Mijoo-ya.. Have you find her?" the guy who is preparing his camera turns and smiles.

"Yeah.." she replies as she drags me.

"Hello.. My name is Shin Narae.." I introduce.

"I'm Jirae" he says as he helds his hand out. I shake his hand as we talk a little bit.

"Narae-ssi.. You have to go standby now.. We will begin in an hour." the director says.

Mijoo and I nod and we head to the waiting room. She helps me apply my makeup when the stylist comes in and hands me the dress. There's a red umbrella and red shoes too.

"Why an umbrella?" I ask curiously.

"Who knows~~" the stylist says and she walks out.

Woohyun's POV

I'm in the car playing my phones, while Sunggyu hyeong is accompanying me.

"Ya.. Have you known who will be the girl in your MV?" hyeong asks.

"Who is it hyeong?" I ask as I stop playing my phone and look at him.

"Hm.. See for yourself later.." hyeong replies.

"Just tell me right now hyeong.." I whine.

"It's more fun if you see it yourself. If I tell you now, it'll be really really boring."

I glare at hyeong, but he just smiles and he can't leave that smile off his face.



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