13. Press

118 14 29

~25 November 2016~

Author's POV

Woohyun and Narae take their step inside the office and face the CEO.

"So..." the CEO says.

They just stand still, waiting for hin to continue.

"You guys're all over the site right? Have you seen the netizen's response?" he continues.

We shake out head and he shows us his tablet, which the screen shows our scandal and the comments.

"How can they meet? When did they meet? I want to know how they meet and get together, it must be lovely"

"Aww, are they by any chance met when Woohyun's in Japan?"

"Omigodd, they're a match. I hope they last long"

"Woohyun-ah... Tell us your story pleasee~~"

We see the comments and wowed, then look at the CEO. Woohyun smiles and ask

"So... Should I tell them our story?" Woohyun smirk.

"The public accept you guys, what about the members and me?" CEO asks back.

Narae gulps and wait for his reply.

"I accept you guys la..." the CEO smiles.

"Thankyou sajangnim!!! Lav yaa!!" Woohyun squeals.

"Ah, and I hold a press for you guys. You guys should told the public about THAT" he continues.

"Thankyou very much!!" Narae bows.

"No problem. You guys should take care of each other. Because it's really rare for the public to bless a couple. You should cherish it" he whistles.

"We will.. Then, we'll take our leave for now" we bow then walk out.

"Amazing, I didn't know this will happen" Narae wowed.

"Me too!! Wayy~~" Woohyun hugs the lift Narae up and spin.

"Ya!!" Narae hits Woohyun's shoulder.

Woohyun stop spinning then look at Narae. Narae asks him to put her down but he refuses. He walks to the stair while lifting Narae. (They look like a dad and a daughter bytheway >□<)

"How long will you lift me? Isn't your hand sore? You're even lifting me with just one hand!! Please put me down.." Narae whines.

"Nope.." is just what he says.

"Why? I'm really heavy and your hand will hurts if you lift me any longer. Think about your injury" Narae says worriedly.

"It's okay.. The injury is on the other hand. And you're not heavy though. You're as light as a feather" he says as he walks out of the company.

There're some reporters waiting in front of the company. When he walks out, the reporters immediately come to him and ask him many questions, while holding Narae.

"Ya, you should really put me down. It's emberassing" Narae pats.

"After we reach my car" Woohyun winks.

Narae pouts, but then she hides her face because the paparazis/reporters are taking photos and she's emberassed so, yeah.

They survive with crowds of reporters and head to Woohyun's car. Woohyun lets Narae down and close the door. Woohyun starts the car and drive away.

 Nodding / Still I Remember 끄덕끄덕 [INFINITE NAM WOOHYUN 남우현]Where stories live. Discover now