Chapter 44: Christmas Eve

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Tomorrow, abstract noun.
Tomorrow is tomorrow, and tomorrow never comes.

Chapter forty four: Christmas Eve
I next had the opportunity of talking to Meah later that afternoon, when all the boys were out of the pool, and we had it to ourselves while we waited for the showers to free up so we could get out as well.
"Hey, are you still thinking of coming to America with me?" I asked her.
"Yeah, definitely," she responded. "Hopefully I can get a bit of casual work whilst I'm there as well, but now that I'm done with my course, I wanna take a break before I get into serious work."
"You did events management, didn't you?" I asked.
"Yeah, she nodded.
"Hmm," I joked, "maybe we can hire you to get us through this holiday?" Meah joined in my laughter.
"I don't know, you guys seem to do alright on your own..."
"Hey, that reminds me," I said suddenly. "What's up with you and Jide?" Meah coloured slightly, but cooly replied that they were just friends, and had her change in complexion not given her away, I might have believed her.
"Uh, no, you definitely went a little red there," I teased her.
"You have red-green colourblindness Jord, you have no idea what you're talking about."
"You know very well that's not how colourblindness works," I laughed. "Well, not that type, anyway!"
"Okay, whatever," she smiled, rolling her eyes at me playfully. "If you wanna be legalistic about it..."
"I think that was an admission," I chuckled. "But let me just say this, I think you'd be a great couple, but I also know both of you fairly well, well enough to know neither of you would be great at a long distance relationship, so bear that in mind."
"Okay," she nodded, seriously. "I'm not in any hurry, anyway. Thanks Jord." And then in a joking manner again, "wow, when did you become so great at advice?" I shrugged.
"Spent too much time with Josh, I guess. We all have our go-to for relationship advice."
"Thought that was your brother," she said.
"Eh, that's a touchy subject," I smiled ruefully. "I think we're cool now, but our sibling relationship just isn't what it used to be, and only time can really fix that."
"Isn't your dad coming home tomorrow?" Meah asked. "My dad was saying something about catching up with him." Meah's dad, and my own dad were brothers, and they had another brother who had kids around the age of Meah's younger siblings, and a sister who lived in the eastern states. They were all pretty close, and they got together fairly often, which brought us cousins together so often that we fought like siblings half the time.
"My dad is home tomorrow," I confirmed. "I think Simon's scared to meet him, but honestly, who couldn't like Simon? My dad will love him, I'm sure."
"You two are cute," smiled Meah. "I want a relationship like yours. But can I just point out that Lachlan didn't exactly like Simon at first, did he?"
"He way overreacted," I said. "I think it'll be fine."

Thankfully, as I'd predicted, my dad liked all the boys, which saved a lot of trouble. We did, however, have a private discussion later on, about what Lachlan had been concerned about.
"I know he overreacts, Jordyn," said my dad, "but I want to know what his basis was for giving you such a hard time. Was it purely what happened in the past, or was there something more?"
"It was mostly the past," I sighed, thinking that nothing but my dad could have induced me to bring up the hated subject again. "And then Simon and I were both sick of him being too controlling, and we were pretty mean to him because of that. But I think he's relaxed a bit more now, right? I dunno, you've seen him more recently than I have."
"He said everything was fine, and seemed happy enough, but he avoided talking about you. It was so strange, normally he loves talking about you, but we had to extract everything out of him with a scalpel and a pair of tweezers." I laughed.
"Well, do you like Simon?" I asked him. "Honest opinion."
"Honestly? Yes I do, and I can see that he loves you, but does he respect you, Jordy?"
"Yes, of course," I said, surprised. But then after I'd thought about it, "Oh, I can see why you'd ask that, we do have a go at each other quite a bit, but I'd considered him my best friend a long time before we were dating, and our relationship hasn't changed from then, it just grew."
"Okay," nodded my dad, satisfied with my answer. "I get what you're saying."
"Thanks for your opinion," I grinned.
"No worries," he returned with a smile.

The next day was Christmas Eve, and we spent considerable time putting up decorations in and on the house. We all did bits and pieces of vlogging, including a time lapse of putting up Christmas lights, and setting up the tree. We took videos of my mum baking cookies, of Meah and JJ in a food fight, of me and Meah teaching Simon and JJ how to be cheerleaders, and of pushing Behz into the pool, fully clothed, because he accidentally stood on someone's present that had been left on the floor. It was Tobi's idea to compile the whole lot into one big video, and make it a Christmas Eve special to go up on all of our channels, and for a few hours, Tobi and I sat editing it on my PC, since we were apparently the best at editing.
"On days like this, editing is so much fun," I commented.
"Everything is fun on Christmas Eve," said Tobi. "Although some of this footage is mad. Look at this bit." He played back a part of the video where Simon had almost dropped me when we were trying cheerleading.
"Oc health and safety is gonna be knocking on our door!" I giggled.
"I know right, where's your safety mat!" Said Tobi. "Remember when he almost dropped Manny in that football video?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "He's not very stable, is he?"
"Nope," laughed Tobi. "Now what music do we want on this video?"
"I've got a folder of free music somewhere," I said.
"Well we should really put Christmas carols on it," said Tobi.
"Oh, that's true," I nodded. "Well there must be free Christmas music somewhere. Let's google it."

After dinner, Tobi and I sat the other boys, my parents, and Meah in the media room, and had a screening of the video we'd created, which was thirty minutes long.
"You guys are so creative," said my mum. "I'm genuinely impressed with your editing."
"Don't you find it crazy that people love watching you do this stuff?" Asked Meah.
"Yeah, its mad," nodded Simon. 
"And the best bit is," said Josh, "we can upload this now, and it will be in time for Christmas Eve in most of the world."
"Perks of Straya," I grinned. "You're welcome guys, you're welcome."
"We're glad to grace Australia with our presence," laughed Simon.
"Anyway, Merry Christmas Eve," said JJ. "Is that a thing?"
"I don't think it is," laughed Meah. "But you can say it if you want."
"Aw, thanks," said JJ. "Well I had fun today, but I'm going to bed, goodnight!"
"See you tomorrow," I yelled after him.

A/N: I wanted this to coincide with actual IRL Christmas, but it didn't work out that way, sorry! I guess if someone reads it later it wouldn't work for them anyway, so I just uploaded it now. 

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K thnx Bai <3

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