Chapter 1

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"I love you Magnus." Is all I could get out. I knew it was ridiculouse to say after only 2 months, but I ment it. Moments passed and he didn't say anything,just stared at me. I looked straight into his yellow-green cat eyes and waited for him to say something. Anything. Now thinking he wasn't going to say back, I turned to leave.

"I love you too Alexander." He finally said. I turned to see a smile on his face. One moment I was looking at him in disbeleif and the next he had pulled me by my belt loops into him and we were kissing. Our first kiss in front of everyone.

2 months earlier:

It was 3:36 A.M. last time I checked the clock. I haven't been able to sleep for the past 2 nights, not since I met Magnus. I remember how his hair was spiked every way, some ways I didn't even know possible. I don't know why I am thinking like this, I mean I don't even know him that well. I slowly sat up on my bed and looked around my room. There were clothes thrown across the black chair in the corner, and on the floor around it. I even saw some papers and trash around the floor oby my desk. It was a mess. I streched my arms out, threw my legs over the edge of my bed, and walked over to my closet. From there I grabbed a black T-shirt, dark blue jeans, and some boxers. Closing my claset door i walked into my bathroom, quietly closing the door behind me,and set my clothes over the toilet seat. I removed my pajama pants and boxers and started my shower. After about five minutes in the shower, Magnus made his way back into my brain. Why was I thinking about the High Warlock of Brookland so often? I finshed my shower, toweled off, and got dressed. Afterwards I walked to the mirror hagining on my door to check how I looked. My black hair was a mess, as always, so I ran my hand through it just to smooth it down a bit. I never understood why everyone loved my blue eyes, to me they are just about average. Turning away from my mirror I decided to pick up my room. It wasn't that hard since there was just dirty clothes and trash on the floor. When I was done I heard a soft knock at the door, checking the time I realized it was now 5:18.

"Alec open up!" The voice yelled "Come on, I heard your shower, let me in!"

I could tell it was my sister Isabelle immediatly. I walked over and opened the door to see what she wanted.

"We are going to go demon hunting, so Jace and I need you to gear up." She said, while running a hand through her long black hair. "By the way, you look terrible." and left.

I didn't understand why I needed to go, her and Jace usually do fine without me anyways. With a sigh I turned and went back to my cloaet to change into gear.

After only 5 minutes I was geared up and went downstairs to meet with the others. Once there I realized that Clary was here also. I guess I shouldhave expected that, her and Jace had been going out for about a year and a half. And none to my surprise her and Jace were sitting on the couch in the living room having there own conversation.

"Alec over here!" I turned and sow max sitting on the chair in front ovef the fireplace looking at me. I walked over. He had his glasses on and a book in his lap, for being 10 he was pretty smart.

"What is it little brother?" I asked while messing up his hair.

"I wanted to come on the hunt with you guys, but Isabelle AND Jace said I couldn't go." He began to pout at me and crossed his arms.

"Maxy, you know you are to young to even begin training yet. I wish you could, but the answer is no."

With a roll of his eyes he picked up his book and began reading. Though I couldn't see the cover I knew it was his Naruto manga.

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