Chapter 25

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I roughly shook Alec awake. It took a few minutes, which nearly scared me to death, but be woke up. Without an explanation I snapped my fingers causing us both to be fully dressed and then I dragged him into the living room. Thats as far as I got before he began asking question.

"Magnus! Magnus, wait a minute. What are you doing?" He said quickly. I stopped and turned around to face him. I explained why he was ill, and that I needed to try something that might save him. He stared at me in disbelief for a moment before replying.

"What do you want to try?" He asked, clearly straining himself for freaking out. I sighed, slightly over exagerated, and rolled my eyes.

"That will take FAR to long to explain." Was how I decided to reply before grabbing his arm and pulling him out the front door and into a taxi. It was then that I decided it a good time to see what he was wearing. I had specifically made sure that he had on my favorite light blue t-shirt of his, and then I noticed the black skinny jeans. To top it all off he had on white sneakers. Saticfied, I leaned back in my seat and waited anxiously for us to arrive at our destination. Alec was staring out the window, and his face showed that he was worried beyond understanding. Bbut I understood. I really lo..... liked him.

As soon as the taxi pulled up to the destination I basically threw the money at the driver and pulled Alec out. The we both just stared up at the old stone church. The ritual that had to be performed to save Alec, had to be done in a church. I didnt want mandanes asking questions, so I chose an abandon one.He gave me a curious look, but I just shrugged and dragged him up the stone steps. I pushed open one of the large double doors, and he walked in hesitantly before me. I led him up the aisle, and told him to lay down when we got to the end. He looked at me strangly, but did as told.

Suddenly strange visions filled my head. Visions of Alec and I standing here in the future. Surrounded by all of our loved ones. Mine included. I shook them away and started the ritual.

Tormented By Our Love (Mortal Instruments,Malec)Where stories live. Discover now