Chapter 22

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As my body hit contact with the floor I let out a short gasp of pain. I opened my eyes and realized I had fallen off my bed, and Alec was crying on the bed. Pushing myself off the floor, I sat next to his shaking body and tried to calm him. I was very curious about what his dreams were about, but I didnt want to make him more upset by making him explain it. I rested a hand on his back and rubbed it. His breaths were more like shaky pants now, and I was unsure of what to do. Hot tears streamed down my face because I was so worried about Alec. Eventually, though, Alecs crying stopped and mine did as well. He turned and pulled me into a tight hug, catching me off gaurd.

"Thank you." He whispered in a raspy breath. I imagined his throat was sore. He pulled back and stared into my eyes. His-usualy cryslal blue-eyes were a dark grey, almost like the sky before a storm. They were rimmed with red and puffy. I took a deep breath.

"What for, Alexander? I didnt do anything." I said warily. He shook his head.

"Magnus, you were here for me. You are protecting me. You are caring for me. You are doing more then anyone has been able to do for me in years." His voice was deep, and serious. All the fear in his eyes was gone, and the blue was returning. My chest lifted with joy, and I smiled.

"Alexander, I enjoy doing all those things for you. Not even because of why I am doing them, but because I get to be with you while doing them." I replied in a soft tone. He smiled and hugged me once again. I glanced at the clock and it read 5:15 am. Since I figured we probably werent going back to sleep I stood up. Alec gave me a puzzled look, glanced at the clock, then also got up.

"I was thinking that today could be a pajama day. You know; movies, popcorn, gossip, pj's-" I started, but was quickly cut off by Alec.

"You said pajama day, not a girls sleep over." I laughed at his statement and nodded.

"They are both so much fun, but fine. No gossip. Everything else, tough. Right?" We both laughed, and he nodded in agreement. With a smile, I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the couch. "What do you want to watch first?" I asked. He shrugged, and I rolled my eyes.

"I dunno. Have you seen..... uh...... well.... um...... OH! Have you seen "The A Team?"" He asked. I thought for a moment. I had seen that movie about 4 times.

"No, I dont believe so." I lied. I snapped my fingers and the movie started to play. Alec stayed silent throughout the entire movie, his eyes glued to the screen, while I kept zoning out and getting lost in my thoughts. I really wanted to know what Alecs dreams had been about, but I also knew that he would tell me if he wanted to. About halfway through the movie Alec stood up and raced to the bathroom. I followed hesitantly, and jumped when the door slammed shut.  Though doubting it would work, I tried to open the door. Of course, it didnt open. I knocked on the door softly.

"Alec? Are you alright?" I asked him through the door. I heard a coughing sound come back in reply. Uselessly, I tried the door again. Then, after a few more failed attempts, I sat down leaning against the door. It was completely pointless even trying to get in. The coughing lasted a few more minutes before the door slowly pulled open. I stood up before it did to avoid falling or being in the way. Alec stood in front of me now, looking tired and ashamed. I could tell by the smell exiting the bathroom that he had been getting sick, so  led him back to the couch and took to the job of being his nurse.

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